Tag Archives: coinnle
Vocabulary Round-up for Féilte agus Feiseanna agus Laethe Speisialta na Feabhra: Fill in the Blanks Posted by róislín on Feb 5, 2018

(le Róislín) Here are some of the vocabulary words to accompany the most recent blog (nasc thíos) and some practice for each one. Watch out for all the small changes that happen in Irish: initial consonant mutation, genitive case endings, plural endings, etc. Remember that a lot of these phrases have the word “of” in…
Meaitseáil Na Téarmaí (Téarmaí Shéasúr na Nollag) Posted by róislín on Dec 29, 2011
(le Róislín) We’ve had lots of vocabulary lately, much of which might be new to many readers. So how about a little review, matching the holiday concept or item to the holiday involved? The holidays will be listed in Colún A and the items and concepts in Colún B. And once again, for the dúshlán…