Tag Archives: fhómhair
Dathanna Dhuilleoga an Fhómhair: The Colors of the Autumn Leaves (in Irish) Posted by róislín on Nov 6, 2017

(le Róislín) Cé mhéad dath a fheiceann tú anseo? How many colors do you see here? Agus cé na dathanna a fheiceann tú anseo? And what colors do you see here? As you can see from the graphic above, today’s topics will be dathanna agus duilleoga. Let’s start with the word for “color” itself (dath)…
Na Séasúir sa Tuiseal Ginideach (Saying “of winter,” “of summer,” etc. in Irish) Posted by róislín on Oct 6, 2012
(le Róislín) In the last blog we looked at the names of the four seasons as they would be used in prepositional phrases, such “in the winter” or “in the summer.” As you might recall, this involved various changes to the beginnings of the words, like “san fhómhar” (ins, in + an, the + fómhar…