Tag Archives: fómhar
Dathanna Dhuilleoga an Fhómhair: The Colors of the Autumn Leaves (in Irish) Posted by róislín on Nov 6, 2017

(le Róislín) Cé mhéad dath a fheiceann tú anseo? How many colors do you see here? Agus cé na dathanna a fheiceann tú anseo? And what colors do you see here? As you can see from the graphic above, today’s topics will be dathanna agus duilleoga. Let’s start with the word for “color” itself (dath)…
The Irish word for ‘October’ and other words related to ‘fómhar’ and ‘fómhair’ Posted by róislín on Oct 6, 2014
(le Róislín) In some previous blogs (naisc thíos), we’ve looked at the names of the months (míonna) and seasons (séasúir) in Irish, including a discussion specifically of “September” and “October.” So let’s try a little mixing and matching for review of “September,” “October,” and the Fall or Autumn season. Given the word “fómhar” and its…
Cén Séasúr? (Which Season?): Geimhreadh, Earrach, Samhradh, Fómhar Posted by róislín on Mar 26, 2014
(le Róislín) Since we’ve just finished going over the Irish word for “spring” (as a season), I thought it would be fun practice to try some fill-in-the-blanks with the different seasons. Here’s a quick review before we start. geimhreadh [GyEV-ruh, OR, GEE-ruh, OR, GyEV-roo, with the “mh” pronounced like a “v” and the “d” silent]…
Na Séasúir sa Tuiseal Ginideach (Saying “of winter,” “of summer,” etc. in Irish) Posted by róislín on Oct 6, 2012
(le Róislín) In the last blog we looked at the names of the four seasons as they would be used in prepositional phrases, such “in the winter” or “in the summer.” As you might recall, this involved various changes to the beginnings of the words, like “san fhómhar” (ins, in + an, the + fómhar…
Beagáinín Eile faoi na Séasúir (A Little More about Seasons) Posted by róislín on Oct 3, 2012
(le Róislín) Sula bhfágfaidh muid an t-ábhar seo inár ndiaidh, seo roinnt frásaí eile faoi na séasúir. Le bheith beacht, seo na focail (geimhreadh, earrach, samhradh, fómhar) i bhfrásaí réamhfhoclacha. Sa chéad bhlag eile, is dócha, cuirfidh muid na focail seo sa tuiseal ginideach, mar bíonn claochclaithe ansin freisin. For this blog, by the way…
Na Ceithre Shéasúr (The Four Seasons, in Gaeilge) Posted by róislín on Sep 30, 2012
(le Róislín) Before completely leaving an féilire, the subject of the last four blogs, let’s take a look at the Irish words for the four seasons. In addition, we’ll look at the adjectives pertaining to winter, spring, summer, and autumn/fall, both in their classy Latinate versions, like “(a)estival,” and in the more everyday tone, like…
Meán Fómhair, Deireadh Fómhair, and An Fómhar vs. an Fómhair Posted by róislín on Sep 15, 2012
(le Róislín) We may as well take a break from animal terms for a while, although no doubt we’ll return to the subject, since there are about 5396 more mamaigh to go, and about 1,250,000 speicis if we include inveirteabraigh (m. sh. feithidí, moilisc, crústaigh) and veirteabraigh (m. sh. éisc, amfaibiaigh, reiptílí, éin). Since the…