Tag Archives: gadhar
An bhfuil peata agat? Talking about Pets in Irish: Madraí (Dogs) Posted by róislín on Jul 18, 2017

(le Róislín) So, finally back to actual “peataí,” after some detours talking about sróna, nathracha (an mamba dubh), agus bia Meicsiceach (enchilada fada); naisc thíos. We had left off with cait agus piscíní, and now, not surprisingly, we’ll start with an madra (the dog). Or as some say, “an gadhar, “which also means “the dog.” …
Tá na madraí ag … — barking, growling, whining, yowling, and more, in Irish Posted by róislín on Jun 21, 2016
(le Róislín) In the last blog (nasc thíos), we heard a dog’s assessment of human vs. canine communication, straight from the dog’s mouth, as it were, since the piece was written in “first canine.” Since I just finished reading a heartwarming book of dog stories, set mostly in Wales, I noticed I few more terms…
Saol an Mhadaidh Bháin — The (Good) Life of the White Dog Posted by róislín on May 8, 2012
(le Róislín) Last blog we looked at the expression “ar muin (ar dhroim) na muice” (being “on the pig’s back,” i.e. well off). The blog before that also referred to several other examples of figurative speech, including “madraí bána.” As with the ‘dromanna muc” (or “muiní muc”), that general reference to “madraí bána” was in…
An Uimhir Is Uaigní a Dhéanfaidh Tú Choíche (… the Loneliest Number …) Posted by róislín on Aug 28, 2011
(le Róislín) “An uimhir is uaigní a ‘dhéanfaidh’ tú choíche.” Cén uimhir í sin? Uimhir a haon, ar ndóigh, de réir Harry Nilsson, ar a laghad. Speaking of the number “one,” this might be a good time to discuss the two forms of the number “one” in Irish: a haon and amháin. Of all the…