Tag Archives: glasra
Glasra Oíche Shamhna (a Halloween vegetable), but what’s it called in Irish? Posted by róislín on Oct 24, 2017

(le Róislín) Cén glasra é sin sa phictiúr? What vegetable is that in the picture? To answer the questions in the graphic above: An cairéad é? Ní hea, ní __________ é. An práta é? Ní hea, ní __________ é. An biatas é? Ní hea, ní __________ é. An svaeid é? Ní hea, ní __________…
Arbhar (Indiach): Toradh, Glasra, nó Grán — or all three? Posted by róislín on Oct 31, 2013
(le Róislín) We’ve just been discussing whether pumpkins and other edible plants are fruits or vegetables. Another seasonal item is “arbhar Indiach,” as it is referred to in Irish, or simply “corn” in American English. Let’s look first at the term “arbhar Indiach,” which literally means “Indian corn.” But “Indian corn” means different things in…
Síolta, Ubhóiríní, agus Tiúbair … A Thiarcais! (Yet another “oh-my” meme, this time on a ‘biaphlanda” theme) Pt. 3 of 3 Posted by róislín on Oct 28, 2013
(le Róislín) Seo an tríú cuid den tsraith (torthaí, glasraí, cnónna, glasraí pischineálacha /léagúim). This is the third part of the series on “Seeds, Ovules, and Tubers,” and it will focus on na cnónna (the nuts) and na glasraí pischineálacha (the legumes). So what exactly are these food items? Again, looking at this more from…
Síolta, Ubhóiríní, agus Tiúbair … A Thiarcais! (Yet another “oh-my” meme, this time on a ‘biaphlanda” theme) Pt. 2 of 3 Posted by róislín on Oct 25, 2013
(le Róislín) Fós ag smaoineamh ar cheist na seachtaine, cad é an difear idir na bianna seo: torthaí [TOR-hee], plural of “toradh” (fruit) glasraí [GLAHSS-ree], plural of “glasra” (vegetable) cnónna [KNOH-nuh, unlike English “know” and “knight,” the “kn” here really is pronounced “kn,” as in “Knut” or the middle part of “acne”], plural of “cnó”…
Síolta, Ubhóiríní, agus Tiúbair … A Thiarcais! (Yet another “oh-my” meme, this time on a ‘biaphlanda” theme) Pt. 1 Posted by róislín on Oct 22, 2013
(le Róislín) Bhuel, seo mise báite go dtí mo shúile ag léamh faoin difear idir thorthaí agus ghlasraí. ‘Sea, fós. Mar a bhí mé sa bhlag roimhe seo, ach anois “níos báite.” Ceist na gcnónna agus na nglasraí pischineálacha atá i gceist inniu, chomh maith leis na sainmhínithe bunúsacha arís. So, let’s backtrack a bit…
An Puimcín: Toradh nó Glasra? (The Pumpkin: Fruit or Vegetable?) Posted by róislín on Oct 19, 2013
(le Róislín) An toradh nó glasra é an puimcín? Ní ceist shimplí é! Go dtí le déanaí shíl mé gur glasra a bhí ann. Leis an fhírinne a dhéanamh níor smaoinigh mé mórán faoi. Itheann muid mar ghlasra é (i mo bharúil) agus go minic tugtar “glasra” air. Ach le déanaí fuair mé amach gur…
Ag an mBeárbaiciú (At the Barbecue) Posted by róislín on Jul 19, 2013
(le Róislín) ‘Sea, seo séasúr na mbeárbaiciúnna [… nuh MyAWR-buk-yoo-nuh]! Cad a íosfaidh [EESS-hee] tú? Yes, this is barbecue season! What will you eat? Here are some of the typical foods that we like to grill. Can you translate them? Each one is given in the singular and in the plural. (Gluais thíos) 1) burgar…