Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: hang

Trucail Chrochta agus Trucailí Crochta: Another ‘Truck’ Term in Irish Posted by on May 31, 2017

(le Róislín)   Bhuel, I thought I was finished with dump trucks and the like when I came across one more related term in Irish, with a very interesting structure to boot  — trucail chrochta, a tip-truck, which apparently is an Australian English word for a tipper or tipper lorry.  A Astrálacha ar an liosta seo…

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When is ‘hanging’ not based on ‘croch’ in Irish Posted by on May 5, 2015

(le Róislín) Well, the flip side of our title would be, “When the word ‘croch‘ is used to indicate hanging in Irish.”  So this blog will deal with a little of both, some typical phrases with “crochta” or “ar crochadh,” and some phrases that use “hanging” in English but completely different words in Irish.  And…

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An bhfuil do ghlas crochta crochta agat fós? Posted by on Feb 14, 2014

 (le Róislín) No, that’s not an overlooked duplication of words.  “Glas crochta” is a padlock (hmm, guess why that topic came up in today’s blog!) and “crochta” means “hung” or “hanging,” from the verb “croch” (hang). First let’s discuss the word “glas,” since it’s a triple homonym in Irish.  One “glas” means “green.”   A second…

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