Tag Archives: Lá Vailintín
Cártaí Vailintín? Cé dóibh? (Some Irish words for your Valentine’s Card recipients) Posted by róislín on Jan 31, 2017

(le Róislín) With Valentine’s Day coming up, it would be fun to look at list of all the people we might give Valentine’s Day cards to. In a recent blogpost (nasc thíos), we listed cúig chatagóir déag, and maybe this time, we’ll have a few more. Today, however, instead of just listing them in Irish…
Saying “I Love You” in Irish Posted by róislín on Feb 11, 2016
(le Róislín) Around Valentine’s Day (Lá Vailintín), we see lots of cards, candies, and decorative items saying “I love you” in English. Irish has many ways to say this as well, although the actual verb “to love” isn’t usually part of the phrase. Most of the expressions rely on terms of endearment (téarmaí ceana)…
Deich nDóigh (10 Ways) le ‘I Love You’ a Rá i nGaeilge Posted by róislín on Feb 8, 2013
(le Róislín) So, Irish has lots of ways to say “I love you,” but most of them don’t involve the verb “to love.” How is that supposed to work? Bhuel, with lots of téarmaí ceana (terms of endearment)! In other words, you mostly use nouns to say that someone is your sweetheart, your darling, your…
Feabhra na bhFéilte ‘s na bhFeiseanna (February Holidays and Festivals) Posted by róislín on Jan 31, 2013
(le Róislín) These days we can find a special day to celebrate practically every item, product, or concept imaginable, from cheese-rolling (at Cooper’s Hill, England), wife-carrying (originally Finland, now international, including Newry, Maine, and locations in Wisconsin and Michigan), the Idiotarod [sic!] (various locations), and “Punch Your Neighbor Day” in Bolivia. But for a mí…
Feabhra: Mí an Chroí i Meiriceá agus sa Bhreatain (February: Heart Month) Posted by róislín on Feb 2, 2012
(le Róislín) Nach deas an neas-suíomh é: Feabhra mar “Mhí an Chroí” (i Meiriceá agus sa Bhreatain) agus Feabhra mar mhí do leannáin (lovers) go ginearálta, mar gheall ar Lá Vailintín. I’ve actually been poking around online trying to find out what year February as American Heart Month started, but gan éifeacht (to no avail…
Téarmaí Muirnéise (Terms of Endearment) do Lá Vailintín Posted by róislín on Feb 9, 2011
(le Róislín) As Lá Vailintín approaches, it seems appropriate to go over some useful phrases for the holiday. First, let’s look at the term “endearment” itself, “muirnéis.” In the title of this blog, the phrase is “of endearment.” We don’t actually use a word for “of” in a case like this but instead we add…