Tag Archives: oighear
Nuair a bhíonn an aimsir go dona — some Irish words for winter weather conditions and equipment Posted by róislín on Jan 29, 2018

(le Róislín) Bhuel, is é an t-am sin den bhliain é. Well, it’s that time of year. Listening daily, even hourly, for the weather report to see what driving will be like. Depending on where you live, the big question may be whether you’ll have snow (sneachta), rain (fearthainn or báisteach), or sleet (flichshneachta). But…
Cúig Ghuta Dhifriúla (a, e, i, o, u) i bhFocal Amháin–faoi dheireadh! Posted by róislín on Aug 8, 2013
(le Róislín) For the same reason that people compile lists of English words that have all five vowels, write novellas with just one vowel in them, and seek desperately for the rhyme to “porringer,” I’ve always been on the lookout for an Irish word that has all five vowels. Agus faoi dheireadh thiar thall, tháinig…
More Practice with ‘Cén Áit,’ ‘Cén Fhad,’ ‘Cá hÁit’ and ‘Cá Fhad’ Posted by róislín on Aug 4, 2013
(le Róislín) In the last blog we talked about some question phrases for “Where?” (‘Cén Áit,‘ ‘Cá hÁit’) and “How long?” (‘Cén Fhad,’ ‘Cá Fhad’). The basic gist of that blog is that these question phrases are fairly frequently misheard, which means that sometimes the question “Cén áit?” is answered, when the question “Cén fhad?”…
Cén Ghaeilge atá ar “rusticle”? An Ann Di (Dó)? Posted by róislín on Apr 15, 2012
(le Róislín) Amongst the many interesting topics raised by the Titanic centennial, at least one language query emerges. Cén Ghaeilge atá ar “rusticle?” First, let’s define “rusticle,” since it’s a fairly new word in the English language. It was coined by Robert D. Ballard after he discovered the Titanic, draped with strands of rust on…