More Practice with ‘Cén Áit,’ ‘Cén Fhad,’ ‘Cá hÁit’ and ‘Cá Fhad’ Posted by róislín on Aug 4, 2013 in Irish Language
(le Róislín)
In the last blog we talked about some question phrases for “Where?” (‘Cén Áit,‘ ‘Cá hÁit’) and “How long?” (‘Cén Fhad,’ ‘Cá Fhad’). The basic gist of that blog is that these question phrases are fairly frequently misheard, which means that sometimes the question “Cén áit?” is answered, when the question “Cén fhad?” was actually asked.
This seems to occur more often with these specific questions than with other pairs, such as “Cén fáth?” vs. “Cén t-am?” I think the answer lies in the fact that “Cén fáth?” doesn’t sound that much like “Cén t-am?” or any other question phrase, for that matter. But, remembering that “fh” is silent in Irish, “Cén áit?” sounds reasonably similar to “Cén fhad?” and the variants for these also sound fairly similar to each other (“Cá háit?” and “Cá fhad?”). For a few more pointers on the pronunciation for these, please see an nóta (thíos).
One strategy mentioned previously is to simply repeat the question you think you heard, i.e. somewhat rhetorically. If you didn’t understand the question correctly, your interlocutor will probably clarify.
Another strategy is to listen until the other speaker has fully asked their question. If you leap in before the speaker finishes, you may miss some clues from the other words in the question.
Here are some comhráite beaga for some cleachtadh:
1. Ag an Stáisiún Traenach
A: Cén áit a bhfuil an traein go Hogwarts?
B: Tá sé ag Ardán a Naoi agus Trí Cheathrú.
(Actually, the answer Harry Potter got when he asked a similar question was more like: “Tóg ort, tá tú ag déanamh ceataí dhom. Tusa agus do chuid ceisteanna amaideacha!” (Go away, you are a nuisance! You and your foolish questions!” Ach sin scéal eile (is é sin “Harry Potter agus an Órchloch”).
2. Sa Rang Gaeilge
A: Cén fhad atá tú ag foghlaim na Gaeilge?
B: Le cúpla bliain anuas.
(Note that “cúpla” is followed by the singular form of the noun: cúpla bean, cúpla cailín, srl.)
For the two examples above, note also that the verb form “a bhfuil” is used after “cén áit” and that “atá” is used after “cén fhad.” So, listening for “a bhfuil” vs. “atá” can also help clarify what question was asked. That would be for the present tense (is/are), of course. Other possibilities are “a raibh” vs. “a bhí,” etc., and there will be a contrast in most verbs you would ever use for these questions (“a n-itheann” vs. “a itheann,” “a ndéanann” vs. “a dhéanann,” etc.)
And now the two forms that use “cá” instead of “cén” for the actual question word:
3. Ag Caint faoi Do Laethanta Saoire (Cuid a hAon)
A: Cá háit a bhfuil tú ag fanacht?
B: Tá mé ag fanacht in óstán faoi uisce i bhFidsí.
A: Óstán faoi uisce? Mh’anam! An frogaire thú?
B: Ní hea, ní frogaire mé. Níl taithí ag scúbthumadh de dhíth ort le bheith ag fanacht ann.
A: An ndeir tú liom? Meas tú go dtógfaidh siad ceann in Éirinn, i lár Loch Dearg, b’fhéidir?
B: Hmmm, cineál eile d’oilithreacht a bheadh ann mar sin!
4. Ag Caint faoi Do Laethanta Saoire (Cuid a Dó)
A: Cá fhad atá tú ag fanacht san óstán faoi uisce i bhFidsí?
B: Tá mé ag fanacht ansin ar feadh seachtaine. Meas tú cá háit a rachaidh mé ar saoire an bhliain seo chugainn?
A: Cá háit?
B: Go Cathair Québec. Beidh mé ag fanacht san óstán oighir ansin.
A: Óstán oighir? Ice hotel?
B: ‘Sea, óstán oighir. An “Hôtel de Glace” a dtugann siad air.
A: Nach tú an t-eachtránaí!
B: Bhuel, ní taistealaí cathaoir uilleach mé!
So there’s a little cleachtadh with these questions.
And remember, similar issues (mishearing, misunderstanding) can happen with any language. One of these days I’d like to learn one of the teangacha tonúla (Sínis, mar shampla) and see if I can actually keep my mā, má, mǎ, and mà straight. That sounds to me like the ultimate challenge.
Bhuel, sin é don bhlag seo, agus bíodh cuimhne agat–“Cleachtadh a dhéanann máistreacht.” SGF, Róislín
Nóta faoi fhuaimniú na bhfrásaí ‘Cén Áit,’ ‘Cén Fhad,’ ‘Cá hÁit’ agus ‘Cá Fhad’:
Cén áit? [kyayn awtch]
Cén fhad? [kyayn ahd]
Cá háit? [kaw hawtch]
Cá fhad? [kaw hahd]. Some people say “caw-ahd” but some have an “h” in the middle.
Agus má tá suim agat in óstán oighir nó óstán faoi uisce, seo cúpla nasc (níl baint ar bith agam leo!):

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