Tag Archives: RéaltAistear
More Irish Numbers Practice: Orduimhreacha i dTeidil Scannán — Aistrithe go Gaeilge Posted by róislín on Aug 16, 2017

(le Róislín) Since we’ve been on an “orduimhreacha” roll recently (nasc thíos), I thought it would be fun to try some more examples, this time embedded in Irish versions of famous (or not-so-famous) film titles. So I’ll provide the Irish phrase for context, and see if you can fill in the blank, using the ordinal…
Oh, Man! ‘Fear,’ ‘Fir,’ ‘Fhir,’ and ‘bhFear,’ (How to say ‘man’ and ‘men’ in Irish) Posted by róislín on Jan 9, 2014
(le Róislín) Since Nollaig na mBan on January 6th gave us the opportunity to discuss the Irish word for ‘woman,’ we might as well follow up with the word for ‘man.’ First, let me clarify that this blog will discuss ‘man’ (fear) as opposed to woman (bean), not “man” as opposed to the following: plants…
Cats Galore in Irish (Cait, Caitíní, Piscíní, Pisíní, srl.) Posted by róislín on Dec 4, 2013
(le Róislín) I suppose I should have saved this blog for National Cat Day (29 Deireadh Fómhair 2014; naisc thíos) but coming swift on the heels of the recent “caitín gleoite caillte sa spás amuigh” blog (thanks to Miley Cyrus’s recent CGI imagery), I couldn’t resist taking the plunge. So how many different ways are…
Cineálacha Stoirmeacha (Kinds of Storms): An Scéal Leantach (The Sequel) Posted by róislín on Oct 21, 2012
(le Róislín) Kind of has a nice beat, doesn’t it? Cineálacha Stoirmeacha [KIN-yawl-ukh-uh STIRzh-im-ukh-uh]. Storms are possible any time of year, of course, but the month of October can see several types. Stoirmeacha sneachta, mar a bhí ar chósta thiar na Stát Aontaithe i mí Dheireadh Fómhair (go luath don séasúr!) sa bhliain 2011 —…
Maidir le “Mud” (Muck, Mire, etc.) Posted by róislín on Mar 23, 2012
(le Róislín) Before getting back to the question of the shot glass vs. the “timbléar fuisce,” I thought I’d look a little further into the words for mud, mire, muck and the like, as mentioned in the last blog. Whether you decide to use any of these for an cuspa sláinte traidisiúnta Béarla (Here’s mud…
“Ga-sheol go Filideilfia nó go Detroit mé, a Scotty! (ar leanúint ó 4 Lúnasa) Posted by róislín on Aug 7, 2009
(le Róislín) Frásaí eile ó RéaltAistear: 1) Níl beathachruthanna meabhracha ar bith thíos anseo! That may look like a mouthful, but breaks apart quite nicely. Here’s some vocabulary to help translate it: beatha, life, as in uisce beatha (whiskey, water of life) or in the phrase “Is é do bheatha,” (a greeting, also used in…
“Ga-sheol go Filideilfia nó go Detroit mé, a Scotty! Tá mé ag iarraidh an Taispeántas (Exhibition) ‘RéaltAistear’ a fheiceáil.” Posted by róislín on Aug 4, 2009
Tá a fhios agam go bhfuil daoine (agus b’fhéidir neacha eile!) amuigh ansin a bhfuil suim acu sa Ghaeilge agus sna cláracha agus sna scannáin RéaltAistear (Star Trek). Faoi láthair tá an taispeántas i bhFilideilfia ag an Institiúid Franklin (www.fl.edu) agus i nDetroit ag an Detroit Science Center (www.detroitsciencecenter.org). Seo cúpla frása ón seó…