Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: Spáinnis

Cleachtadh leis na focail ‘orlach,’ ‘troigh’ agus ‘cos’ (Inches and Feet in Irish) Posted by on Mar 9, 2015

(le Róislín) While we’re still on the theme (téama) of inches (orlaí) and both kinds of feet (troithe agus cosa), perhaps you’d like to try these titles (teidil) and names (ainmneacha) from the fields of cinema and music.  The exact number of blanks to be filled in are given, based on the words “orlach,” “cos,”…

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Is Éan É! Is Eitleán É! Ní Hea — Dreige Atá Ann! (Sorry, Clark!) Posted by on Feb 16, 2013

(le Róislín) Or should that be “dreigít“?  Or “dreigeoideach“?  Bhuel, all three really, I guess, depending on what stage of the event you’re talking about. I thought I had learned all that téarmaíocht réalteolaíoch, at least the buntéarmaí, years ago, but when the news reports start coming in about the Chelyabinsk event, I realized I…

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Which Came First?: “O, Sagt, Könnt Ihr Sehen?,” or “Ó Abair An Léir Dhuit?,” ” Aue! se’i e vaai?” Posted by on Jun 30, 2012

(le Róislín) If you’ve made your way through all four verses of “An Bhratach Gheal-Réaltach,” both i mBéarla agus i nGaeilge, perhaps you’d also like to test your knowledge of other translations.  Can you match up the year in which the anthem was translated into the following languages?  Their names are given in Irish, to…

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Tír le Teanga Posted by on Feb 3, 2011

Agus aríst eile!  And yet again!  More nationalities and ethnicities, but this time for you to figure out.  I’m giving you ainm na tíre / an cheantair agus ainm na teanga / na dteangacha.  I hope that from that, you can figure out the nationality, ethnicity, or relevant ethnonym.  And then, if it’s yours, please…

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