Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: wedding

Another Irish Word Beginning with the Letter ‘Y’ (‘Yólais’ as well as ‘yó-yó,’ etc.) Posted by on Aug 4, 2018

(le Róislín) A few years ago I ran a mionsraith of blagmhíreanna about Irish words that started with some of the litreacha neamhthraidisiúnta in the Irish alphabet, like v, w, x, and y (naisc thíos).  Among the few examples that we have for “y” are “yó-yó” (not surprisingly, just add the síneadh fada) and yaincín…

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Céard (Cad é / Cad) atá ort?  … air sin?  srl.  (some uses of the word ‘ar’ in Irish) Posted by on Jun 15, 2015

(le Róislín) Lately we’ve been looking at how to say you have red hair or a black beard (and/or mustache and sideburns), using the word “ar” (on).  In previous blog posts, we’ve looked at using “ar” to say you’re ill (“I have a cold”) or how you feel about something, either emotionally (I’m happy) or as…

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An Vaidhtéir Ab Óige Riamh: Logan Stevenson, 22 Deireadh Fómhair 2010-5 Lúnasa 2013 Posted by on Aug 14, 2013

(le Róislín) Normally when we talk about children participating in weddings, it’s either as iompróirí fáinne or as cailíní bláthanna.   But I recently read a heart-breaking story about a young boy, terminally ill, who served as vaidhtéir (best man) at his parents’ wedding.  Ní raibh sé ach dhá bhliain d’aois. Cén fáth an brú seo…

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