Tag Archives: zombai
Some Irish Words Beginning with the Letter ‘Z’ (zaip go zú) Posted by róislín on Aug 7, 2018

(le Róislín) Recently we looked at some Irish words starting with the letter ‘y,’ which occurs fairly rarely in Irish. And previously, we’ve looked at some words including the letters ‘v,’ ‘w,’ and ‘x,’ also “neamhchoitianta” in Irish. Also, we did look at words beginning with ‘z’ earlier. But every time I check the online…
Cultacha Banphrionsa vs. Cultacha Sárlaoich: Costume Wars — Princesses vs. Superheroes Posted by róislín on Oct 11, 2016
(le Róislín) Every year around this time I like to check out the articles on the best-selling Halloween costumes (cultacha Oíche Shamhna sárdhíola). Then it’s both fun and, hopefully, informative, to translate them into Irish. Some of them, like “garda” or “comhraiceoir dóiteáin” may also prove to be useful words (focail úsáideacha) for everyday conversation…
‘In quarantine’ or ‘on quarantine’ — how to say it in Irish Posted by róislín on Oct 15, 2014
(le Róislín) In the recent blog on the Ebola virus (víreas Ebola), I referred briefly to saying “in quarantine” in Irish. It seems like a simple phrase to say, and the word for “quarantine” itself isn’t surprising — “coraintín” [KOR-antch-een], no relation to “aintín” as such! But it’s interesting to note the preposition that’s used…
An Ghaeilge agus an Iodáilis: ‘Àbaco’ go ‘Zombi’ i nGaeilge Posted by róislín on Apr 16, 2014
(le Róislín) Bhí an bua ag an Iodáilis sa chomórtas ‘Buile Ilteangach’ (Multilingual Madness)! Comhghairdeas di agus dá foghlaimeoirí agus dá cainteoirí. So we’ll tip our ‘hataí’ here to ‘lucht na hIodáilise’ with a few Irish words related to ‘an Iodáil’ and ‘an teanga Iodáilise.’ Ar dtús, tíreolaíocht (geography) an Iodáil, (the) Italy. Note that…
Foirmeacha Iolra le “-aithe” agus le “-aí” (Plural Forms) Posted by róislín on Oct 24, 2011
(le Róislín) In the last few blogs, we’ve used words like “zombaí” (plural: zombaithe) and “moncaí” (pl. moncaithe), as well as “stocamhoncaí” and “stocamhoncaithe,” for “sock monkey(s).” It may just be my memory, but I don’t remember stocamhoncaithe zombaí ever being so popular before this year’s Oíche Shamhna (Halloween 2011) In Irish, it would be…
A Zombaithe Go Léir, (Ná) Folaígí Bhur nAghaidheanna! (All You Zombies…!) Posted by róislín on Oct 21, 2011
(le Róislín) I’m rather stupefied by all the cultacha zombaí for Halloween this year, so couldn’t resist a few more mix’n’match phrases. Keep in mind that in all these cases, the word “zombaí” is functioning as an adjective, so it comes after the main noun. In this case, unlike the previous costume match-up, which was completing…
Cultacha Samhna don Bhliain 2011 Posted by róislín on Oct 18, 2011
(le Róislín) As some of you may recall, last year we did a little vocabulary match-up with Halloween costumes. Let’s try it again for 2011. Each costume name has two words or phrases in Irish, one in Colún A and the other in Colún B. One thing to remember is that word order in Irish…