Italian Language Blog

Archive for March, 2021

Una poesia per celebrare la primavera Posted by on Mar 31, 2021

Una poesia per celebrare la primavera – A poem to celebrate spring  Ciao a tutti!  Here we are, at the end of March 2021. For many of us, this month marks a full year since the pandemic began to close borders, shut down schools, and force businesses closed. I would like to imagine the renewal…

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Dantedì – National Dante Day Posted by on Mar 25, 2021

Dantedì – National Dante Day Last year the Italian government named March 25 as National Dante Day in anticipation of the 700th anniversary of his death, which occurred in 1321 while he was exiled in Ravenna. Dante Alighieri is considered the “Father of the Italian Language” since he wrote his epic poems known as the…

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I Social Media in Italia Posted by on Mar 19, 2021

I Social Media in Italia – Social Media in Italy Ciao a tutti bei lettori! Oggi, vorrei parlarvi di come usare i social media per migliorare il vostro italiano. Today, I’d like to talk to you about how to use social media to improve your Italian! Clubhouse For the last two weeks, I have been…

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Italian Women Authors: Elena Ferrante Posted by on Mar 12, 2021

Ciao a tutti! In honor of La Festa delle Donne this month, I wanted to discuss Italian women authors! Perhaps you have noticed that the Italian literary scene is very much dominated by men. Elena Ferrante, however, is looking to shake things up. The NYT have commented on this phenomenon as “The Ferrante Effect” You may…

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La Festa della Donna Posted by on Mar 5, 2021

La Festa della Donna – International Women’s Day “Le donne sostengono la metà del cielo” (Proverbio cinese) “Women hold up half of the sky” (Chinese proverb) ___________________________________________________________________________________ L’8 marzo è La Giornata internazionale dei diritti della donna o più comune La Festa della donna. Questa celebrazione si tiene in Italia a partire dal 1922, ma è…

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