Italian Language Blog

Archive for October, 2021

Quiz on Relative Pronouns Posted by on Oct 29, 2021

Ciao a tutti!  Relative pronouns (pronomi relativi) introduce a subordinate clause and represent persons or things mentioned previously. They can function as either subject or object pronouns. The most common relative pronouns are: che – who, that, which chi – who cui (with prepositions a cui, di cui, son cui… ecc) – whom, which quello…

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Alitalia addio Posted by on Oct 22, 2021

Alitalia addio! Farewell Alitalia! Avete sentito le novità? Did you hear the news? Alitalia is no more. It has since been replaced by ITA – Italia Trasporto Aereo – following the closure of in bancarotta (bankrupt) Alitalia last week, October 14. Unfortunately Alitalia has been in the “red” for 10 years, so the writing has been…

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Il Colosseo – The Colosseum Posted by on Oct 15, 2021

Il Colosseo – The Colosseum Ciao a tutti!  I was reading la Repubblica recently and I saw this interesting headline: Undicenne scappa da scuola, ritrovato a Roma dai carabinieri: “Volevo vedere il Colosseo” “11 year old escapes from school, found in Rome by the carabinieri “I wanted to see the Colosseum.” Apparently he asked the…

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Italian Conjunctions Posted by on Oct 8, 2021

Ciao a tutti! Today we are going to talk about conjunctions in Italian. In grammar conjunctions join words, phrases and clauses. For example: Per favore guarda il mio bagaglio, mentre compro il biglietto. Please watch my baggage while I buy my ticket. E’ bella, però non mi piace. She is beautiful, however I do not…

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Ecco l’autunno! Posted by on Oct 1, 2021

Ciao a tutti!  Ecco l’autunno! Here is autumn! To celebrate, I’d like to share some autumnal poems. Some poetry and a good book are my equivalent to a cozy fall… But first I’d like to mention that yesterday (Sept 30) was International Translation Day, celebrating the important role of language professionals. 🎉 Language learning facilitates dialogue…

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