Italian Language Blog

A Box Of Adjectives – Quiz Solutions Posted by on Jul 25, 2016 in Grammar

Well done everyone who had a go at our quiz about pairing up adjectives with the nouns that they describe and their respective articles.

We asked you to translate each of the sentences below, adding the article (il, i, lo, gli, la, or le), and picking the correct adjective from the box at the bottom of the page and then pairing it with the appropriate noun.


Bruno Munari, Ricerca di comodità in una poltrona scomoda, 1950

Let’s see how you got on.

1. sole (masculine; sun)
il sole abbagliante = the dazzling sun

2. ombrellone (masculine; beach umbrella)
l’ombrellone rotto = the broken beach umbrella

3. mare (masculine; sea)
il mare è calmo = the sea is calm

4. gelato (masculine; ice cream)
un ottimo gelato = a very good ice cream

5. sedia sdraio (feminine; deckchair)
la sedia sdraio è scomoda = the deckchair is uncomfortable

6. sabbia (feminine; sand)
la sabbia è fine = the sand is fine

7. spiaggia (feminine; beach)
una bellissima spiaggia bianca = a very beautiful white beach

8. zoccolo (masculine; clog)
gli zoccoli sono comodi = the clogs are comfortable

9. costume (masculine; swimsuit)
il costume nuovo = the new swimsuit

10. bikini (masculine singular; bikini)
il bikini bianco = the white bikini


Hold that pose, treasure, you’re beautiful …

11. calzoncini (masculine; shorts)
i calzoncini rosa = the pink shorts

12. canottiera (feminine; vest)
la canottiera blu = the blue vest

13. canotto (masculine; dinghy)
il canotto è grande = the dinghy is big

14. pomeriggio (masculine; afternoon)
un pomeriggio molto afoso = a very sultry afternoon

15. salvagente (masculine, unchangeable; lifebelt)
i salvagente sono sgonfi = the lifebelts are deflated

16. bibita (feminine; drink)
le bibite ghiacciate = the icy drinks

17. crema solare (feminine; suncream)
la crema solare appiccicosa = the sticky suncream

18. anguria (feminine; watermelon)
un’anguria veramente rinfrescante = a really refreshing watermelon

19. bagnino (masculine; lifeguard)
un bagnino abbronzato = a tanned lifeguard

20. occhiali da sole (masculine; sunglasses)
gli occhiali da sole sono graffiati = the sunglasses are scratched

21. scoglio (masculine; rock)
lo scoglio piatto = the flat rock

La Scatola di AggetiviThe Box of Adjectives

afoso = sultry
rinfrescante = refreshing
ghiacciato = icy
grande = big
bellissimo = very beautiful
piatto = flat
fine = fine
abbronzato = tanned
abbagliante = dazzling
blu = blue

rotto = broken
graffiato = scratched
rosa = pink
appiccicoso = sticky
sgonfio = deflated
nuovo = new
bianco = white
comodo = comfortable
ottimo = very good
calmo = calm
scomodo = uncomfortable


Coming soon: A second quiz on the same theme, but this time using irregular nouns. Stay tuned!

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  1. Joan Engelhaupt:

    Thank you, Geoff. I do have two questions (reflecting some of the ones I got wrong): do the adjectives of color remain the same regardless of number and gender? Also, how can I know when the adjective should precede the noun, as in #7?

  2. Jacqui:

    Grazie, un quiz molto utile

  3. Michael Stevens:

    Per il 14 ho scritto, “un pomeriggio afosissimo,” e per il 18 ho scritto, “un anguria proprio rinfrescante.” Sono totalmente in errore? 🙂

    • Serena:

      @Michael Stevens Salve Michael! It’s perfectly correct to say “un pomeriggio afosissimo” instead of “un pomeriggio molto/proprio afoso”. The suffix -issimo is interchangeable with “molto”, “tanto”, “proprio” or “davvero”.
      Saluti da Serena

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