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Anche le Suore di Clausura firmano il Referendum Posted by on Aug 3, 2012 in News

Financially, times are hard here in Italy. Politicians continue to preach austerity. Yet, when it comes to their own exorbitant salaries they remain, as usual, somewhat evasive. Hence the proposal of a referendum by l’Unione Popolare for the abolition of article 2 of law 1.261 of 1965, that regulates the indemnity awarded to members of parliament. The aim is to reduce the daily expenses (e.g. for meals, hotel bills etc.) paid to senators and deputies, amounting to around 3,500 euros a month on top of their already generous annual salary.

Here’s an interesting article that I found in Il Corriere della Sera, about an order of suore di clausura (cloistered sisters) in Bergamo, who decided that they should participate in the referendum:

Le suore di clausura firmano il referendum per tagliare l’indennità dei parlamentari
Funzionario di Palazzo Frizzoni porta i moduli al monastero di via Locatelli

Cloistered sisters sign the referendum to remove indemnity from members of parliament                                                                                    
A functionary from Palazzo Frizzoni takes the forms to the monastery in via Locatelli

Le suore di clausura del monastero «Matris Domini» di Bergamo, in via Locatelli, hanno chiesto al Comune di poter sottoscrivere la petizione dell’Unione Popolare che punta al taglio delle indennità dei parlamentari. L’eco dell’iniziativa politica contro gli stipendi di senatori e deputati è quindi arrivato anche oltre le mura del monastero di clausura, come riferisce il quotidiano online Bergamonews.

The cloistered sisters of the Matris Domini nunnery in via Locatelli, Bergamo, asked the council if they could sign the petition proposed by the ‘Popular Union’ that aims to remove indemnity from members of parliament. Echoes of the political initiative against the incomes of senators and deputies have therefore arrived beyond the walls of the cloisters, as reported by the online daily paper Bergamonews.

Dal monastero, che si trova non lontano dal centro di Bergamo, nei giorni scorsi è partita una telefonata. Una monaca ha chiesto ai funzionari del Comune di poter ricevere i moduli per sostenere la petizione. E un funzionario si è recato direttamente in via Locatelli, dove ha consegnato la documentazione per poi riportarla in Comune. Così è stata rispettata la volontà delle suore senza violare, allo stesso tempo, il loro voto di clausura.

From the nunnery, located not far from the centre of Bergamo, a telephone call went out during the last few days. A nun asked the functionaries of the council to send the necessary forms in order to be able to support the petition. So a functionary took himself directly to Via Locatelli, where he delivered the documents and then returned them to the council offices. In this way, the wishes of the sisters were respected without violating their vows (which prohibit them from leaving the nunnery).

Here is another nice article on the topic (in Italian): Suore di clausura firmano il referendum contro la casta

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