Archive for 'News'
Un matrimonio in Italia Posted by Bridgette on Mar 10, 2022

Ciao a tutti! A few years back I wrote about Italian weddings after having the pleasure of attending one in Modena, Emilia-Romagna. If you’d like to check it out, I’ll link it here ⬇ (It’s strictly in Italian, so good practice!) Un matrimonio italiano Today I read that in the region of Lazio, officials are…
Giornata della terra Posted by Bridgette on Apr 22, 2021

Giornata della terra – Earth Day Ciao a tutti! Oggi è la giornata della terra, il giorno in cui si celebra la salvaguardia del pianeta Terra. Today is Earth Day, the day that the preservation of planet Earth is celebrated. It has been recognized since April 22, 1970, when 20 million Americans poured into the…
Insieme Ce La Faremo Posted by Bridgette on Mar 13, 2020
Insieme ce la faremo – Together we will get through it Non è un momento facile per la popolazione mondiale, a causa della pandemia da Coronavirus. It is not an easy time for the world population due to the Coronavirus pandemic. L’Italia, uno dei paesi ad oggi più colpiti, è stato dopo la Cina il…
Il Coronavirus in Italia Posted by Bridgette on Mar 6, 2020
Che cosa fa il governo italiano per aiutare la situazione con il nuovo Coronavirus in Italia? Diamo un’occhiata.. What is the Italian government doing to help the situation with the new Coronavirus in Italy? Let’s take a look.. The website is helping to disseminate information, such as numbers of current infections and deaths, recommendations…
Italy’s Smallest Library Posted by Geoff on Jan 10, 2019
In our previous blog, A Positive Message For The New Year, we looked at 9 of the 33 individuals who were praised by il Presidente della Repubblica, Sergio Mattarella in his new year’s honours list. Today we’re going to focus on another fascinating individual who’s on that list: Antonio La Cava. We’d been planning to…
A Positive Message For The New Year Posted by Serena on Jan 4, 2019
Having celebrated Christmas with a bit of seasonal humour let’s begin the new year with some positive news. 2018 has certainly been an incredibly turbulent and troubling year, especially in terms of international politics. It can often seem that we’ve learnt nothing from the past, and are doomed to repeat our errors ad infinitum. But…
Gelo e Fuoco Posted by Serena on Feb 28, 2018

Quando da bambina vidi il film ‘Dottor Zivago’, la scena che mi fece più impressione è quella in cui Zivago e Lara passano la notte in una casa isolata, in mezzo alla bufera di neve, coi lupi che ululano fuori. Quella notte non riuscii a dormire e rimasi sveglia, con la coperta tirata sugli occhi…