Italian Language Blog

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MITO International Music Festival in Milan and Torino Posted by on Sep 17, 2021

Ciao a tutti!  It is already mid-September, which I find sbalorditivo (bewildering). I wanted to share a festival I wish I could be at in Milano/Torino now, and that is the MITO International Music Festival, or MITO SettembreMusica. The festival runs during the month of September, this year from Sept 9 – Sept 26, and…

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Alla Biblioteca Posted by on Sep 10, 2021

Alla Biblioteca – At the Library Ciao a tutti! This month it is Library Card Sign-up Month in the US! In celebration, I wanted to share some library themed reading practice and vocabulary. Before we jump into it, I just wanted to give a shout-out to your local library! Your library is the hub of…

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Il periodo ipotetico – hypothetical phrases Posted by on Sep 3, 2021

Il periodo ipotetico  Last week I proposed a new challenge for you covering the periodo ipotetico which are hypothetical phrases. There are three types, real, probable, and improbable. Typically these clauses are introduced by se (if) but also could be introduced by phrases such as nel caso che (in the case that), or qualora (so…

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Il Congiuntivo quiz – the answers Posted by on Aug 27, 2021

Ciao a tutti! Last week I presented a quiz on the subjunctive, and I received lots of responses! See the answers below to see how you did: I think they are rich. – Penso che siano ricchi. I want you to work. – Voglio che tu lavori. The teacher wants the students to listen. –…

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Il Congiuntivo – Irregular verbs + Quiz! Posted by on Aug 20, 2021

Ciao a tutti! Here is a list of irregular verbs in the present subjunctive. Below, there is a quiz with some sentences to translate into Italian in the comments. There is a little bonus sentence that’s extra difficult, try it out. 🙂 Buona fortuna! List of irregular verbs in the present subjunctive: Essere (to be)…

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The subjunctive – Il congiuntivo Posted by on Aug 13, 2021

Ciao a tutti!  Today let’s talk about il congiuntivo, the subjunctive tense. The subjunctive indicates a subjective attitude toward the action or situation described by the verb. It is used to express wishes, thoughts, beliefs, worries, and doubt (voglio che (I want that), spero che (I hope that), penso che (I think that), credo che (I believe that), temo che (I’m afraid that), dubito che (I doubt that): Penso che legga – (I think he’s reading) Non sono sicura che abbia venduto…

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Temporale Estivo Posted by on Aug 6, 2021

Ciao a tutti!  Seeing as summer is in full swing, I wanted to share a summer inspired poesia (poem): Temporale Estivo – “Summer Lightening Storm” written by Federigo Tozzi (1883-1920). Some of Federigo Tozzi’s background according to wikipedia: “Tozzi was the son of an innkeeper. He initially worked as a railway official, but took over…

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