Italian Language Blog

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I Giochi Olimpici – The Olympic Games Posted by on Jul 29, 2021

OLIMPIADI TOKYO 2020 Ciao a tutti! Tutto il mondo guarda i migliori atleti di oltre 200 nazioni che competono l’uno contro l’altro. (The whole world is watching the best athletes from over 200 nations compete against each other.) Ecco gli olimpiadi Tokyo 2020! (Here are the Tokyo 2020 Olympics!) Are you watching Italy (or the…

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Italian Body Language Posted by on Jul 23, 2021

Italian Body Language Words and speaking are important, but so is non-verbal communication like body language. Italians are known to gesticulate consistently with their hands, so let’s look at some common gestures and maybe some body language to avoid. Occhio Saying “occhio” (eye) while slightly tugging your eye socket to reveal your eye means “watch…

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Un’estate italiana Posted by on Jul 16, 2021

Un’estate italiana – An Italian Summer Ciao a tutti! Avete visto la partita? Did you see the game? Italy was victorious dai calci di rigore (from penalty kicks) against England to become the 2020 campione d’Europa (champions of Europe). Complimenti agli azzurri! Congratulations to the blues! While perusing la Repubblica reading news about the win…

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Italia in finale Posted by on Jul 9, 2021

Ciao a tutti!  I had written last year about my experience at an Italian soccer game, Parma vs Udinese to be exact. It was exciting, but it certainly pales in comparison to the current atmosphere in Italy given that gli azzurri (the blues) have now made it to the final game of the UEFA European…

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Penso che… Posted by on Jul 2, 2021

Ciao, di nuovo! Here are some synonyms for saying penso che… (I think that…): per me… – for me… credo che… – I believe that… è chiaro che… – it is clear that… direi che… – I would say that… ritengo che… – I hold to be true that.. suppongo che… – I suppose that……

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I comuni in Italia Posted by on Jun 25, 2021

I comuni in Italia A little reading practice about Italian municipalities, as well as a vocabulary activity below! Il comune è la più piccola unità amministrativa in Italia. Qui si gestiscono i lavori pubblici, la spazzatura, le scuole, le strade e vi si celebrano i matrimoni civili. A capo del comune c’è il sindaco (o la…

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lei, Lei or..? Posted by on Jun 18, 2021

Ciao a tutti, Last week you read a professional and formal exchange between a real estate agent and a woman, and you may have noticed something strange: Professoressa Landini: Pronto, chiamo per un annuncio che ho visto sul vostro sito. (Hello, I am calling about an announcement that I saw on your website.) Agente immobiliare: Certo Signora…

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