Archive for 'Culture'
International Women’s Day Posted by Bridgette on Mar 4, 2022

La Festa della Donna – International Women’s Day Tuesday, March 8 next week is International Women’s Day, a festival which will be celebrated around the world and especially in Italy. A big part of that celebration involves the gifting of mimosas to women. In 1946 the Unione Donna Italiana (Italian Woman Union) decided to choose…
Love with Francesco Petrarca Posted by Bridgette on Feb 10, 2022

Ciao a tutti! San Valentino is right around the corner, so I thought I’d share a 700 year old love story. Francesco Petrarca was an Italian renaissance poet and scholar. He is also credited with rediscovering the letters of Cicero, a Roman statesman, lawyer, scholar and philosopher. This rediscovery is said to have actually initiated…
UNESCO heritage status for espresso Posted by Bridgette on Feb 3, 2022

Ciao a tutti! Today I learned that Italy is seeking UNESCO heritage status for their espresso, which will actually be their second attempt. Last year UNESCO denied their application because two separate entities (the Consortium for the Protection of Traditional Italian Espresso Coffee and the region of Campania) both applied seeking that espresso be considered…
Italian Wordle game: PAROLE Posted by Bridgette on Jan 27, 2022

Ciao a tutti! You may have already heard the hype around the new addictive word game called Wordle. This simple daily game challenges you to guess a word in six tries, and it lets you know if a letter is in the word or not, and whether it is in the right place. The word…
Giornata Nazionale della Bandiera – National Flag Day of Italy Posted by Bridgette on Jan 7, 2022

Ciao a tutti! Today is Tricolor Day (Festa del Tricolore) or officially National Flag Day (Giornata Nazionale della Bandiera) in Italy! It’s been celebrated since 1996, and the official celebration of the day is held in Reggio Emilia, the city where the Italian tricolor was first adopted by an Italian sovereign state with Napoleon Bonaparte’s backing, the…
Countdown to 2022 Posted by Bridgette on Dec 30, 2021

Ciao a tutti! Buon anno! Happy New Year! To end 2021 we are going to countdown the top 10 Italian blogs of the year. But first, an Italian poem to celebrate the New Year: All’anno nuovo Teresa Romei Correggi “Anno nuovo, benvenuto! io di cuore ti saluto. Che cos’hai nel tuo fardello? Hai del brutto…
Italian Christmas Songs Posted by Bridgette on Dec 24, 2021
Ciao a tutti! Buon natale a tutti voi! Merry Christmas to all of you! I wanted to share some Italian Christmas songs to enjoy this season, please add some more in the comments below. “Il Tamburino” (Little Drummer Boy) Sulla strada, pa rum pa pam pam (On the road) Un tamburino và, pa rum pa pam pam (A little drummer…