Italian Language Blog

Combining Prepositions With Articles – Part 1. Posted by on Nov 14, 2016 in Grammar

In my recent blog Italian Articles Exercise we looked at the correct usage of the Italian definite articles, il, lo, la, i, gli, and le (the). Today we’ll extend that exercise by combining each of these six articles with the preposition ‘di‘ (of).

Firstly, let’s begin by examining how we go about creating these preposizioni articolate (preposition/article combinations). This will be followed by an exercise that requires you to fill in the blanks. You’ll find the answers are hidden at the end of the blog.

il = masculine singular, e.g. il fucile, il martello. Combined with ‘di‘ = del

lo = masculine singular, used before ‘s’ plus a consonant or ‘z’, e.g. lo scarpone, lo zaino. Combined with ‘di‘ = dello N.B. lo becomes l’ before a vowel, e.g. l’albero. Combined with di= dell’

la = feminine singular, e.g. la scrivania, la ragazza. Combined with ‘di‘ = della. N.B. la becomes l’ before a vowel, e.g. l’arancia. Combined with ‘di‘ = dell’

i = masculine plural, e.g. i fucili, i martelli. Combined with ‘di‘ = dei

gli = masculine plural, used before ‘s’ plus a consonant, ‘z’, or a vowel e.g. gli scarponi, gli zaini, gli alberi. Combined with ‘di‘ = degli

le = feminine plural, e.g. le scrivanie, le ragazze, le arance. Combined with ‘di‘ = delle

Photo CC by Peter Trimming

La coda ___ scoiattolo è molto lunga. Photo CC by Peter Trimming


Now fill in the gap in the Italian sentences with the correct preposizione articolata:

The squirrel tail is very long
La coda ___ scoiattolo è molto lunga

Women’s handbags contain all kinds of things!
Le borsette ___ donne contengono di tutto!

Can you pass me the nail box please?
Mi passi la scatola ___ chiodi per favore?

Damn, the handle of the screwdriver is broken!
Accidenti, il manico ___ cacciavite è rotto!

Turn the volume of the radio up, I can’t hear it very well
Alza il volume ___ radio, non riesco a sentire molto bene

Look how beautiful the reflection of the water on the trunk of the tree is!
Guarda com’è bello il riflesso ___ acqua sul tronco ___ albero!

Where is the sandwich bag? Have you checked the main pocket of the rucksack?
Dov’è la borsa ___ panini? Hai controllato la tasca principale ___ zaino?

Giorgio is afraid of bees and scorpions
Giorgio ha paura ___ api e ___ scorpioni

The pace of the men was slower than that of the boys
Il passo ___ uomini era più lento di quello ___ ragazzi

From here one can enjoy a magnificent view of the Alps
Da qui si gode una magnifica veduta ___ Alpi

The motorbike overtook both the Police car and the car of the Carabinieri
La moto ha sorpassato sia l’auto ___ Polizia che quella ___ Carabinieri

I don’t like the smell of either garlic or of onion
Non mi piace l’odore né ___ aglio né ___ cipolla


Click here to see the answers

The squirrel tail is very long
La coda dello scoiattolo è molto lunga

Women’s handbags contain all kinds of things!
Le borsette delle donne contengono di tutto!

Can you pass me the nail box please?
Mi passi la scatola dei chiodi per favore?

Damn, the handle of the screwdriver is broken!
Accidenti, il manico del cacciavite è rotto!

Turn the volume of the radio up, I can’t hear it very well
Alza il volume della radio, non riesco a sentire molto bene

Look how beautiful the reflection of the water on the trunk of the tree is!
Guarda com’è bello il riflesso dell’acqua sul tronco dell’albero!

Where is the sandwich bag? Have you checked the main pocket of the rucksack?
Dov’è la borsa dei panini? Hai controllato la tasca principale dello zaino?

Giorgio ia afraid of bees and scorpions
Giorgio ha paura delle api e degli scorpioni

The pace of the men was slower than that of the boys
Il passo degli uomini era più lento di quello dei ragazzi

From here one can enjoy a magnificent view of the Alps
Da qui si gode una magnifica veduta delle Alpi

The motorbike overtook both the Police car and the car of the Carabinieri
La moto ha sorpassato sia l’auto della Polizia che quella dei Carabinieri

I don’t like the smell of either garlic or of onion
Non mi piace l’odore né dell’aglio né della cipolla


Any questions? Feel free to leave a comment.

P.S. If you’re browser or app doesn’t allow you to see the answers let me know and I’ll post them in the comments section.

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  1. Gianna Shaw:

    Could you please supply answers to this fantastic test.
    Thank you

    • Geoff:

      @Gianna Shaw Here are the answers Gianna:

      The squirrel tail is very long
      La coda dello scoiattolo è molto lunga

      Women’s handbags contain all kinds of things!
      Le borsette delle donne contengono di tutto!

      Can you pass me the nail box please?
      Mi passi la scatola dei chiodi per favore?

      Damn, the handle of the screwdriver is broken!
      Accidenti, il manico del cacciavite è rotto!

      Turn the volume of the radio up, I can’t hear it very well
      Alza il volume della radio, non riesco a sentire molto bene

      Look how beautiful the reflection of the water on the trunk of the tree is!
      Guarda com’è bello il riflesso dell’acqua sul tronco dell’albero!

      Where is the sandwich bag? Have you checked the main pocket of the rucksack?
      Dov’è la borsa dei panini? Hai controllato la tasca principale dello zaino?

      Giorgio ia afraid of bees and scorpions
      Giorgio ha paura delle api e degli scorpioni

      The pace of the men was slower than that of the boys
      Il passo degli uomini era più lento di quello dei ragazzi

      From here one can enjoy a magnificent view of the Alps
      Da qui si gode una magnifica veduta delle Alpi

      The motorbike overtook both the Police car and the car of the Carabinieri
      La moto ha sorpassato sia l’auto della Polizia che quella dei Carabinieri

      I don’t like the smell of either garlic or of onion
      Non mi piace l’odore né dell’aglio né della cipolla

      A presto, Geoff 🙂

  2. giovanni coletti:

    Good review

  3. Aarti R:

    Hi, Thank you for such wonderful blog.. It’s really helpful.
    My question is Why do we combine preposition with articles?
    Why can’t we simply have both?
    Thank you

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