Italian Language Blog

Funny Italian Warning Signs Posted by on May 27, 2016 in Culture, Italian Language

Every now and then I see avvisi (warning signs or notices) that make me smile. Some of these are meant to be serious, and end up sounding ridiculous. But I particularly admire those which use irony and humour to combat antisocial or criminal behaviour.

Here, for your entertainment, is a small selection:

I cani vanno tenuti

Above: A super polite notice that I found in a Ligurian village: Dogs must be kept on a lead and their relative excreta must be collected.

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Well … I think that just about covers all the main points!!! … a monumental ‘health and safety’ sign that we encountered in Umbria which completely blocked the pavement, forcing us to walk down the middle of the road (super safe!)

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On the beach (N.B. Italian beaches are plagued by immigrants trying to sell knick knacks to holiday makers): To the ‘travelling salesmen’, I’m on holiday, I don’t need anything!!! Therefore don’t break my dick! To the Gentlemen Thieves, there’s no money in my bag!!! “Let me sleep”

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To the left: Does life after death exist? Jump over the gate and find out! On the right: Whoever enters without permission will be shot. Whoever survives will be shot again.

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To the bicycle thieves: To whoever stole my bike: That which you rest upon the saddle I’ll make whither within 48 hours!

funny sign 2

A warning to dog owners: Oh you human who lets your dog shit in front of my garage, TREMBLE WITH FEAR! Because when I discover where you live, I’ll rent an ELEPHANT and I’ll come and return the favour! Happy holidays!

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A generous offer to thieves: Take it and go and have a beer. And in the meantime reflect upon whether you really want to risk coming into my house.

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For the thieves: The keys are under the mat. Don’t make a mess, thank you ..

funny notice

Notice for the THIEVES In the last 6 months you have been here 3 times, now I’ve got nothing left to take. Avoid breaking my doors and windows. Thanks you for your collaboration!!!!


Notice seen in the window of a pizzeria: Dear Messrs THIEVES, if you believe that you’ll find money or objects that could improve the quality of your life, something that we doubt, kindly try the back door … (we’re fed up with fixing the front one)

Vi auguro una buona giornata cari lettori!

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  1. Liz Vieceli:

    Excellent!! Really made me smile. I’ve seen some funny ones too on our travels. Next time I will remember to photograph them and forward them on to you if you like.

    • Geoff:

      @Liz Vieceli Funny sign photos are always welcome Liz.

      A presto 🙂

  2. Michelle Vaden:

    Here is my contribution to your collection. Shot in Venice where you really have to “watch your step”.

  3. jckim:

    “Evitate di perdere tempo, e pompermi le porte e finestre.” means ” do not waste time, and do not break doors and windows”?

    • Serena:

      @jckim Salve! “Evitate di perdere tempo, e rompermi le porte e finestre.” means “avoid wasting time and breaking my doors and windows”. N.B. there’s a spelling mistake: it isn’t “pompermi” but “rompermi”.
      Saluti da Serena

      • Phil:

        @Serena @Serena: I think a more colloquial translation (in American English at least!) would be “Don’t waste your time breaking my doors and windows.” Ciao, Serena and Geoff.

  4. sunshine:

    Molto interessante! Grazie!

    • Geoff:

      @sunshine Salve, per quanto riguarda la sottoscrizione, ho mandato la tua domanda al mio manager, va bene?

      A presto, Geoff 🙂

  5. Bahia:

    Excellent topic! Grazie.

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