Here’s another post in our ‘Helpful Labels’ series which is aimed at reinforcing everyday vocabulary. Simply copy or print out the phrases below and position them around your living space so that you’ll see them regularly. With time, the phrases will become embedded without you even noticing it! In this post I’m going to give you some simple phrases based on the theme of le pulizie di primavera (spring cleaning).
It’s a lovely sunny day and it’s time to brush away the cobwebs and get down to some serious spring cleaning. Allora, rimbocchiamoci le maniche e facciamo le pulizie di casa (Right, let’s roll up our sleeves and clean the house):
Key verbs:
pulire = to clean, lavare = to wash, spolverare = to dust, passare l’aspirapolvere = to hoover/vacuum (literally: to pass the hoover), scopare = to sweep, lucidare = to polish, mettere in ordine or riordinare = to tidy up
Your Labels:
apro le finestre = I’m opening the windows
faccio prendere aria alla casa = I’m airing the house
metto fuori i tappeti = I’m putting the carpets outside
sbatto i tappeti = I’m beating the carpets
passo l’aspirapolvere in soggiorno = I’m hoovering/vacuuming the living room
scopo per terra = I’m sweeping the floor. Warning: the verb scopare is also the most popular euphemism for ‘having sex’! Therefore it’s safer to use the alternative verb spazzare: spazzo per terra = I’m sweeping the floor
lavo i pavimenti = I’m washing the floor
passo lo straccio per terra = I’m mopping the floor
spolvero i mobili della sala da pranzo= I’m dusting the furniture in the dining room
do la cera ai mobili = I’m waxing the furniture (literally: I give the wax to the furniture)
tolgo le ragnatele = I’m removing/getting rid of the cobwebs
lavo i vetri = I’m cleaning the windows (literally: I’m washing the glasses)
pulisco il bagno = I’m cleaning the bathroom
cambio il letto = I’m changing the bed
giro il materasso = I’m turning the mattress over
lavo le lenzuola = I’m washing the sheets
faccio una lavatrice = I’m doing some washing (literally: I make a washing machine)
metto le coperte a prendere aria = I’m putting the blankets out to air
metto in ordine la camera = I’m tidying up the bedroom
butto via l’immondizia/la spazzatura = I’m throwing away the rubbish
lavo i piatti = I’m doing the washing up
lucido l’argenteria = I’m polishing the silverware
metto via i piatti = I’m putting the dishes away
riordino la cucina = I’m tidying up the kitchen
Well dear readers, that’s just a little list of the jobs that I do around the house every day …. 😉
Is there a helpful label that you’d like to add? Please leave a comment.
Here are some more ‘Helpful Labels’ posts for you to check out:
The Living Room
The Bedroom
The Bathroom
The Kitchen
Useful Household Vocabulary
Mike Rose:
On our first night in Sienna after a long journey, we were served in a trendy restaurant by a young waitress with the following slogan written on the back of her T shirt.
” Una casa pulita e una vita sprecata.”
@Mike Rose ciao Mike, a Serena piacerebbe una maglietta così 😉