Archive for 'Vocabulary'
Italian Wordle game: PAROLE Posted by Bridgette on Jan 27, 2022

Ciao a tutti! You may have already heard the hype around the new addictive word game called Wordle. This simple daily game challenges you to guess a word in six tries, and it lets you know if a letter is in the word or not, and whether it is in the right place. The word…
Fa freddo! Posted by Bridgette on Jan 14, 2022

Ciao a tutti! Fa freddo da me (It’s cold where I am), although not as cold as where I am originally from since I’ve been checking and comparing the weather to my hometown this past week. But all the same, c’è un’ondata di freddo (there’s a cold spell) where I am now and presumably for…
In banca – At the bank Posted by Bridgette on Nov 19, 2021

Ciao a tutti! Big news: I’ve moved to Europe and so I’ve been spending a lot of time with some administrative tasks lately. One of which included opening a bank account, so let’s read about some banking vocabulary in Italy. La maggior parte delle banche chiede: documento di identità codice fiscale In alcuni casi può…
Temporale Estivo Posted by Bridgette on Aug 6, 2021

Ciao a tutti! Seeing as summer is in full swing, I wanted to share a summer inspired poesia (poem): Temporale Estivo – “Summer Lightening Storm” written by Federigo Tozzi (1883-1920). Some of Federigo Tozzi’s background according to wikipedia: “Tozzi was the son of an innkeeper. He initially worked as a railway official, but took over…
Penso che… Posted by Bridgette on Jul 2, 2021

Ciao, di nuovo! Here are some synonyms for saying penso che… (I think that…): per me… – for me… credo che… – I believe that… è chiaro che… – it is clear that… direi che… – I would say that… ritengo che… – I hold to be true that.. suppongo che… – I suppose that……
Giornata della terra Posted by Bridgette on Apr 22, 2021

Giornata della terra – Earth Day Ciao a tutti! Oggi è la giornata della terra, il giorno in cui si celebra la salvaguardia del pianeta Terra. Today is Earth Day, the day that the preservation of planet Earth is celebrated. It has been recognized since April 22, 1970, when 20 million Americans poured into the…
Il nuovo vocabolario Posted by Bridgette on Apr 15, 2021

Il nuovo vocabolario – New vocabulary Last week I posted part of the first chapter of Harry Potter e la Pietra Filosofale, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, and I suggested reading books that you have read in the past in order to help with your Italian reading comprehension. When reading books whose story you already…