In our previous ‘Helpful Labels’ posts we looked at short, useful phrases which could be made into labels and placed strategically in relevant places around the house.
Today we are going out and about in the car. Sticking labels all over the interior of your car may not be very practical, so we’ll leave it up to you to decide what works best. However, you can always keep a phrase list in the glove compartment, then next time you’re stuck in a traffic jam you’ll have something useful to keep your mind occupied!
Serena meets an old friend, the mythical FIAT Topolino, predecessor of the Cinquecento. Photo by Geoff
Here are some phrases which you should find helpful when talking about cars
apro la portiera or lo sportello = I open the door
chiudo la portiera or lo sportello = I close the door
salgo in macchina = I get into the car
scendo dalla macchina = I get out of the car
allaccio la cintura di sicurezza = I fasten my seat belt
slaccio la cintura di sicurezza = I unfasten my seat belt
aggiusto il sedile = I adjust the seat
guardo nello specchietto retrovisore = I look in the rear-view mirror
abbasso il finestrino = I lower the window
alzo il finestrino = I raise the window
metto in moto la macchina = I start the car, or accendo il motore = I turn on the engine
spengo il motore = I turn off the engine
ingrano or innesto la marcia = I shift into gear
metto in folle = I shift into neutral
metto il freno a mano = put on the handbrake
tolgo il freno a mano = I take off the handbrake
Some German visitors to our village demonstrate how not to park the car! Photo by Geoff. The car park is in the top left corner of the photo. (It’s a long story)
parcheggio or posteggio la macchina = I park the car
metto la freccia a destra/sinistra = I put the right/left indicator on
svolto a destra/sinistra = I turn right/left
accendo i fari = I switch on the headlights
accelero = I accelerate
rallento = I slow down
freno = I brake
fermo la macchina = I stop the car
faccio retromarcia = I reverse
faccio benzina or faccio il pieno = I put petrol/gas in or I fill up the tank
suono il clacson = I honk the horn
and finally ……. speriamo ….. guido la macchina! = I drive the car!
Here’s a link to an older article covering car vocabulary: La Macchina
and here are the links to our old ‘Helpful Labels’ posts:
The Living Room
The Kitchen
The Bathroom
The Bedroom
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