What could be worse for an Italian woman than being married to a man who has a food intolerance to tomatoes and basil? Unfortunately this is my situation!
Last year Geoff had a series of allergy tests done to try and identify the source of some stomach problems, and the results showed that, amongst other things, he has an intolerance to tomatoes and is allergic to basil! So occasionally, when my craving becomes too much to bear, I cook a delicious pasta al pomodoro … all for myself!

Spaghetti alla Puttanesca (Hooker’s Spaghetti) is one of my all time favourite pasta dishes, it’s very simple and extremely tasty. There are several theories about the origins of this dish and its name. The most plausible of these is that spaghetti alla puttanesca owes its name to the fact that it was originally made by the owner of a famous brothel either in Naples or Rome for the ‘clientèle’.
400 gr di spaghetti
400 grams of spaghetti
100 gr di olive nere denocciolate
100 grams of pitted black olives
1 cucchiaio di capperi sotto sale
1 tablespoon of capers preserved in salt
500 gr di pomodori maturi
500 grams of ripe tomatoes
2 spicchi d’aglio
2 cloves of garlic
Un pizzico abbondante di origano
A large pinch of oregano
1-2 peperoncini
1-2 chillies
8 filetti di acciughe (alici) sotto sale
8 anchovies preserved in salt
4 cucchiai di olio extravergine di oliva
4 tbsps of extra virgin olive oil
Preparazione (Preparation):
Peel and cut the tomatoes in half removing the seeds, and leave them upside down for about 15 minutes to drain the water. In the meantime wash the capers and the anchovies under the tap to remove all the salt, and dry them. Roughly chop the anchovies and the capers. Slice the olives, and peel and chop the garlic. Chop the tomatoes into small cubes.
Put the oil in a big frying pan, and when it’s hot add the garlic. When the garlic begins to turn golden add the anchovies and the chilli, and leave to fry for a couple of minutes. When the anchovies begin to dissolve into a paste, add the olives and the oregano and cook for a couple of minutes. Finally add the tomatoes and salt, stir well, bring the sauce to boiling point and leave it to cook for about 10-15 minutes until it’s nice and thick.
Meanwhile cook the spaghetti al dente, and when it is ready drain it and put it into the frying pan in which you prepared your delicious sugo alla puttanesca. On a high flame stir the pasta and sauce together for a couple of minutes and then serve immediately. Sprinkle some freshly ground black pepper on top to finish it off.
Buon Appetito!
N.B. Two Italian regions lay claims on this recipe: Campania, where oregano is added, and Lazio, where they use chopped parsley instead of oregano. However, it’s quite common to find a hybrid of these two recipes, in which both parsley and oregano are used.
Bill Auge:
Ciao Serena e Geoff, come ironico per trasferirsi a Italia e essere allergico al pomodoro e basilico. Ieri ho fatto gli speghetti alla punttanesca. Victoria ha detto che era buonissimo. Io pensiero ora durante la stagione di quaresima sarebbe un buon tempo per farli perche’ quaresima rappresenta un tempo di perdone e di redenzione.
abbraccio, Bill
@Bill Auge Ciao Bill, sono contenta che gli spaghetti alla puttanesca vi siano piaciuti. La prossima volta che tornate in Italia ve li rifaccio … anche se non è quaresima 😉
Saluti da Serena
Ho scoperto questo piatto 4-5 anni fà all’albergo a Cala Gonone (Sardegna) è dapoi lo faccio a spesso è sempre con piacere.
Che peccato per Geoff, la sua l’allergia al pomodoro.
Bill Auge:
Che e’ qualcosa di guardare avanti per il futuro! Fatto con ingredienti freschi italiani. Speriamo che e’ presto, ma stiamo alzando un ragazzo adolescente fa le cose pui difficili.
Saluti da Bill e Victoria
Gianna Shaw:
Ciao. Ho provato questa ricetta l’altra sera e devo dire che è stato un piatto davvero buonissimo. Complimenti e grazie
@Gianna Shaw Sono contenta che ti sia piaciuta, Gianna.
Saluti da Serena