I Giochi Olimpici – The Olympic Games Posted by Bridgette on Jul 29, 2021 in Culture, Italian Language
Ciao a tutti!
Tutto il mondo guarda i migliori atleti di oltre 200 nazioni che competono l’uno contro l’altro. (The whole world is watching the best athletes from over 200 nations compete against each other.) Ecco gli olimpiadi Tokyo 2020! (Here are the Tokyo 2020 Olympics!)
Are you watching Italy (or the ‘blues’, gli azzurri) closely during the Olympic games in Japan?
As of this blog, le medaglie azzurre sono 19: 2 oro, 7 argenti, e 10 bronzi. (The ‘blue1referring to the national team of Italy‘ medals are 19: 2 gold, 7 silver, and 10 bronze.)
One of the bronze medals was won by 19 year old Federico Burdisso nei 200 farfalla: il nuoto. (200 meter butterfly: swimming) Speaking to reporters, he talked about his academic career (he’s a student of Math, Science, and Economics at Northwestern University) and his future in the Olympics:
“Potrei pensare a una carriera accademica, ma prima voglio concentrarmi solo sul nuoto e capire cosa posso fare alle prossime Olimpiadi”.
On the women’s side of swimming Italy is saying goodbye to a long term Olympic champion, Federica Pellegrini. She is the first female Olympic champion in the history of Italian swimming and the only Italian swimmer to have set world records in more than one event.
At the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, she qualified for the final of the 200m freestyle. This made her the second swimmer in history (after Michael Phelps) to qualify for the final of the same event five times. She finished in 7th place.
Le emozioni di Federica Pellegrini che chiude la sua carriera… the emotions of Federica Pellegrini who is ending her career:
Forza Azzurri!
Some Olympic related vocabulary:
Più veloce, più in alto, più forte – the Olympic motto: faster, higher, stronger
Mondovisione – worldwide broadcast
Spirito sportivo – sportsmanship
Villaggio olimpico – Olympic Village
La squadra nazionale – the national team
Il record personale – personal record
Il record olympico – Olympic record
Un nuovo record del mondo – a new world record
I vincitori – the winners
Salire sul podio – to mount the podium
Il bronzo – bronze
L’argento – silver
L’oro – gold
Inno nazionale – the national anthem
La ceremonia di apertura – opening ceremony
Città ospitante – the host city
La parata della nazioni – the parade of nations
La fiamma olimpica – the Olympic flame
Il tedoforo- the torchbearer
- 1referring to the national team of Italy

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