Hand in hand, a couple watch the moon setting. Their love affair is over, there’s nothing left to say. The man waits for his lover to confirm his fears. “Do what you want with me, I know that I mean nothing to you anymore” he says, and begs her “give me that poison … if you kill me I won’t resist”. This is the theme of the beautiful and tragic Neapolitan song ‘Indifferentemente’ by Salvatore Mazzocco and Umberto Martucci, which was first presented to the public at the Festival di Napoli in October 1963.
When I first heard Indifferentemente, in the wonderful version recorded by Mina on her album Napoli in 1996, I was immediately struck by its resemblance to the Fado music of Portugal. Interestingly, the song also appears in John Turturro’s 2010 film Passione, beautifully interpreted by the Portugese Fado singer Mìsia.
As for the translation of the title of this song, well ‘Indifferently’ would be the obvious literal translation, but perhaps something more like ‘It Doesn’t Matter Any More’ works better.
Now listen to Mina’s version by clicking on the photo below and try to follow the lyrics, which we’ve translated into standard Italian and English for you.
Original Text in Dialetto Napoletano
Tramonta ‘a luna…
e nuje, pe’ recitá ll’ùrdema scena,
restammo mane e mane,
senza tené ‘o curaggio ‘e ce guardá…
Famme chello che vuó’
tanto ‘o ssaccio che só’:
pe’ te nun só’ cchiù niente!…
E damme stu veleno,
nun aspettá dimane…
ca, indifferentemente,
si tu mm’accide nun te dico niente.
E ride pure,
mentre mme scippe ‘a pietto chistu core!?…
Nun sento cchiù dulore
e nun tengo cchiù lacreme pe’ te…
Famme chello che vuó’…. ecc.
…e indifferentemente
io perdo a te!…
Click on the photo above to listen to Indifferentemente by Mìsia |
Italian Translation
Tramonta la luna…
e noi, per recitare l’ultima scena,
restammo mano nella mano,
senza avere il coraggio di guardarci…
Fammi quello che vuoi
tanto lo so che sono:
per te non sono più niente!…
E dammi questo veleno,
non aspettare domani…
che, indifferentemente,
se tu mi uccidi non ti dico nulla.
E ridi pure,
mentre mi strappi dal petto questo cuore!?…
Non sento più dolore
e non ho più lacrime per te…
Fammi quello che vuoi … ecc.
…e indifferentemente
io ti perdo!…
English Translation
The moon sets
here we are playing out the final act
we stand hand in hand
without the courage to look at each other
Do what you will with me
it doesn’t matter any more
I know anyway what I’m
for you I’m nothing anymore!…
And give me this poison
don’t wait for tomorrow
because, it doesn’t matter any more,
if you kill me I won’t resist
Laugh if you will
while you tear my heart from my chest
I don’t feel pain anymore
and I have no more tears for you
Do what you will with me … etc.
… and it makes no difference
I’m loosing you!…
Cio Geoff!
Che cosa molto interessante. Davvero somiglia al portuguese europeo(io lo capisco)
Saluti da Andrej