Italian Language Blog

Tag Archives: Antichi mestieri

Ciappa La Rocca E Il Fus Posted by on Aug 23, 2018

I mestieri nel borgo (the old village trades) which takes place in the beautiful little village of Ponticello, near Pontremoli, is undoubtedly my favourite festival of the year. I love it not just because of the merry atmosphere that permeates the whole hamlet, but also because it re-evokes a period of history that’s within living…

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Le Bambole Della Nonna Posted by on Aug 20, 2018

Do you ever have the feeling, dear reader, that contemporary western culture could do with taking a step back and rediscovering a few lost pleasures? Introduction by Geoff … pleasures such as the simple act of making things for yourself rather than buying mass produced plastic cianfrusaglie (knick-knacks). As children we often made our own…

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Nella Piazza Del Paese Posted by on Aug 17, 2017

Nell’antico borgo di Ponticello in Lunigiana il tempo si è fermato. Entriamo nella piazza del paese che brulica di attività intorno al vecchio pozzo. Time has stopped in the ancient hamlet of Ponticello in Lunigiana. We enter the village square which is buzzing with activity around the old well. Per prima cosa incontriamo il venditore…

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Pancakes from Pontremoli? Posted by on Apr 3, 2014

Italian pancakes? Well sort of … Yesterday evening I went to a very interesting workshop all about il testarolo pontremolese cotto nei testi (Pontremoli testaroli cooked inside testi). Il Testarolo is a sort of pancake made with water, flour and salt which is cooked in un testo, a large heavy cast iron skillet with a…

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I Mestieri nel Borgo – part 2 Posted by on Sep 21, 2011

I Mestieri nel Borgo, rievocazione storica della vita quotidiana di una piccola comunità contadina della Lunigiana = Trades in the village, historic re-enactment of the daily life of a small peasant farmer community in Lunigiana. Let’s continue our photo documentary of this year’s festival in Ponticello, Lunigiana: 1. La Cottura nei Testi – 1 = …

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I Mestieri nel Borgo – part 1 Posted by on Sep 16, 2011

Every August in the little borgo of Ponticello in northern Tuscany, a  fascinating and picturesque festival is held: I Mestieri nel Borgo, rievocazione storica della vita quotidiana di una piccola comunità contadina della Lunigiana = Trades in the village, historic re-enactment of the daily life of a small peasant farmer community in Lunigiana. This year…

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