Italian Language Blog

Tag Archives: gardening in Italy

Il Nostro Giardino Alternativo – English Translation Posted by on Jun 27, 2019

Con l’arrivo della bella stagione è arrivato anche il desiderio di dedicarci al giardinaggio, ma per quest’anno abbiamo pensato ad un giardino alternativo. The arrival of summer has brought with it the desire to dedicate ourselves to gardening, but this year we’ve come up with an idea for a different kind of garden. Siccome il…

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Il Nostro Giardino Alternativo Posted by on Jun 24, 2019

Con l’arrivo della bella stagione è arrivato anche il desiderio di dedicarci al giardinaggio, ma per quest’anno abbiamo pensato ad un giardino alternativo. Siccome il nostro terreno è molto argilloso e roccioso, e con il sole estivo diventa duro come la pietra, abbiamo deciso di  mettere le piante nei vasi e di usarli per decorare…

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A Sleeping Sloth Posted by on Jun 5, 2014

oggi ho l’energia di un bradipo a riposo (today I’ve got the energy of a sleeping sloth). These were the opening words of a short post on my friend Annalisa’s Facebook yesterday evening. Intrigued by this metaphor, I carried on reading, and … the rest of the post was so beautiful and sad that I…

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Il Linguaggio del Giardinaggio Posted by on Mar 2, 2012

In my last gardening blog La mia battaglia col giardino I had intended to give you a bit more gardening vocabulary … but full of enthusiasm, after what seemed like an interminable prigionia invernale (winter captivity), I got a bit carried away, and ran out of space! Dunque, in compensation, this is going to be…

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La mia battaglia col giardino Posted by on Feb 27, 2012

O.K. so it’s only the end of February, and perhaps we’re being a bit over optimistic, but it’s 18 degrees Celsius today, and after il ventaccio gelido, la neve e il ghiaccio (the horrible freezing wind, the snow, and the ice) that has imprisoned Serena, myself (Geoff) and  five crazy cats within our little house…

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