Italian Language Blog

Tag Archives: Italian dialogue

Una Gita Culturale – Part 1 Posted by on Oct 19, 2017

Not long ago, Geoff was chatting with a couple of friends in the bar about the imminent arrival of winter and how to pass the time, “perché qua a Pontremoli, non succede un cavolo di niente!” We need to keep our brains alive somehow, said Geoff … how about we organise una gita culturale (a…

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Carmela’s Nightmare Posted by on Oct 27, 2015

Here is Chapter 4 of Carmela’s Story. You can find the previous chapters by clicking on the links below Carmela’s Story – Chapter 1 Carmela’s Story – Chapter 2 Carmela’s Story – Chapter 3 Carmela picked up the faded newspaper clipping that had slipped out of her libretto and nestled it amongst a small collection…

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Italian Quiz – October 2015 – The Answers Posted by on Oct 22, 2015

Let’s find out how you got on with this month’s quiz, which was based on material from our recent posts. Part 1: Vocabulary revision a. In the 70’s pop singer Elton John was famous for wearing which type of footwear? (Italian name required) = le zeppe, gli zatteroni b. In which Italian city were the…

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Carmela’s Little Black Book Posted by on Oct 14, 2015

She awoke suddenly in darkness, a strange light flickered around the door frame sending menacing shadows dancing across the walls. Smoke … her throat was parched, she began to cough. Stumbling across the room she reached for the door handle and cried out in pain as it burnt her palm. An intense panic welled up…

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