Italian Language Blog

Tag Archives: Italian present perfect

e finì tutto a tarallucci e vino Posted by on Oct 16, 2012

In our previous blog we wrote about il Trapassato Prossimo and il Passato . Here’s a little story recounting an event that happened a few days ago. I have highlighted il Trapassato Prossimo in blue, and il Passato Prossimo in red. Sabato mattina dovevamo andare giù a Pontremoli a fare un po’ di spesa, e…

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Passato Prossimo – Le Soluzioni Posted by on Sep 30, 2011

Here are the solutions and translations for Wednesday’s exercise about the Passato Prossimo. I have also given an explanation of how to conjugate the key verbs used in the passato prossimo   1. Lo scorso fine settimana io e Geoff siamo andati a Siena, una delle nostre gite preferite. Per prima cosa abbiamo passeggiato per il…

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Passato Prossimo: un Ripasso Posted by on Sep 28, 2011

In a recent blog I looked at the difference in use between the two most common types of past tenses: Passato Prossimo (Present Perfect) and Imperfetto (Imperfect tense). Today I’m going to focus on the Passato Prossimo with a little exercise. Fill in the gaps in the following two short paragraphs with the correct form…

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Imperfetto e Passato Prossimo – Quale Devo Usare? Posted by on Aug 8, 2011

Occasionally students of Italian tell me that they are confused about whether to use the passato prossimo (present perfect) or the imperfetto (imperfect tense), and don’t really understand the difference between the two. A while ago I wrote a blog on the subject which you can find here: passato prossimo e imperfetto, but I think…

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