Halloween Word Bank in Japanese Posted by keiko on Oct 30, 2017 in Culture, Grammar
In U.S. tomorrow is Halloween. Your kids or you yourself might have been looking forward to the Halloween as it’s such a special day to dress up in costumes and go around for tick-or-treating.
When my kids were younger, I used to have just as much fun as the kids by watching how kids and adults dress up so nicely on Halloween day. Of course watching kids getting excited over candy was another part. No matter what the Northwest weather might be, Halloween has been one of those events that kids wouldn’t miss for anything.
Today’s lesson is all about the Halloween. Below are some Halloween related vocabulary that I have collected. Enjoy!
Happy Halloween – ハッピーハロウィン or 素敵な ハロウィン を 過ごしてね、すてきな ハロウィン を すごしてね。 sutekina Halloween o sugoshite ne
Costume – 仮装、かそう Kaso
To wear costume – 仮装する、かそうする、Kaso suru
Ghost – お化け、おばけ, obake
Trick-or-treating – トリック オアー トリート (I don’t believe there is a word for this in Japanese..)
Halloween Party -ハロウィン パーティー
Candy-飴、あめ、ame or キャンディー
Scary- 怖い、こわい、kowai
Trick- 悪戯、いたずら、itazura
To carve – 刳り貫く、くりぬく、kurinuku
To carve the pumpkin- 南瓜を刳り貫く、かぼちゃをくりぬく、kabocha o kurinuku
What are you going to be for Halloween?
ハロウィン には 何に なるの? (ハロウィン には なにに なるの?)
Halloween ni wa nani ni naruno?
I will be a ghost.
僕は お化けに なるよ。(ぼくは おばけに なるよ。)
Boku wa obake ni naruyo.
That will be scary.
それは 怖そうだね。(それは こわそうだね。)
Sorewa kowasou dane
Would you like to go trick-or-treating with me?
私と 一緒に トリック オアー トリート に行かない?
(わたしと いっしょに トリック オアー トリート に いかない?)
Watashi to isshoni trick or treat ni ikanai?
I would love to go with you. Let’s go get lots of candies!
是非 一緒に 行きたい。キャンディ 沢山 貰ってこよう!
(ぜひ いっしょに いきたい。キャンディ たくさん もらってこよう)
Zehi isshoni ikitai! Candy takusan moratte koyou!
I hope everyone will enjoy the Halloween. Don’t eat too much candies. At least that’s what I would be telling my kids all night.
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