How to say Spring Break in Japanese? Posted by keiko on Mar 19, 2016 in Culture, Grammar
Hi everyone.. here in NW where I live, spring break is almost here, starting next week. Kids are looking forward to it so much, but me? I am not so sure. Since we are staying in town, I would have to find something for kids to do, to keep them busy, etc….
So, with the spring break approaching right around the corner, I thought I would write a post about it. Kids in Japan also have spring break at the end of March. Spring break is “Haru yasumi” in Japanese. Haru is “spring”, and Yasumi is “break”. 春 休み (はる やすみ) is how you would write in Kanji and Hiragana.
Just like we would say in English, “winter break” or “summer break”, you can also say those in Japanese, like
Summer break ==> Natsu yasumi (夏 休み、なつ やすみ)
Winter break ==> Fuyu yasumi (冬 休み、ふゆ やすみ)
You could also say
Fall break ==> Aki yasumi (秋 休み、あき やすみ)
However, we don’t officially have those in Japan. Aki yasumi in U.S. might be something similar to Thanksgiving time frame, but I don’t hear much about “Fall break” in U.S. neither.
So, here are some lessons using “spring break” in the context.
What are you doing during spring beak? ==>
Haru yasumi wa nani o suru yotei desuka?
春休みは 何を する 予定 ですか?(はる やすみは、なにを する よてい ですか?)
I am going to Mexico during spring break. ==>
Watashi wa Mexico i iku yotei desu.
私は メキシコへ 行く 予定 です。(わたしは、メキシコ へ いく よてい です。)
I can’t wait for the spring break. ==>
Haru yasumi ga machi do shii desu.
春休みが 待ち遠しい です。(はる やすみが まちどおしい です。)
Are you staying in town during spring break?==>
Haru yasumi chu wa dokomo ikanaino?
春休み中は どこも 行かないの?(はるやすみ ちゅうは どこも いかないの?)
I will see you after the spring break.==>
Haruyasumi ga owattara mata aou ne.
春休みが 終わったら また 会おうね。(はる やすみが おわったら また あおうね。)
Anything you learned today? I hope you did.. practice these and make them yours!
If you are having a spring break this month just like us, enjoy your spring break!

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