Learning Japanese for Business – 1 Posted by keiko on Apr 20, 2015 in Culture, Grammar
For the next few articles, I would like to focus on some of the useful Japanese expressions you can use, perhaps in your business. Many of you have mentioned that you would like to know more about Japanese expressions you can use for business purposes.
In the business environment, the most important thing to be aware is to be always “polite”. Japanese has many honorific expressions you can use to show your respect. It is always better to be polite than to be more friendly in business environment.
Quick example will be to use ~ desu (です), rather than using ~dayo(だよ). Using ~dayo(だよ) at the end of the sentence might sound more friendly, and will be appropriate for a conversation among friends, however, it will not be appropriate for business conversations.
With that said, here are some useful expressions you can use during a discussion.
The theme for today’s meeting is ~. ==> Kyono mi-tingu no te-ma wa ~ desu.(きょうのミーティングのテーマは~です。)
We would be discussing ~ during today’s meeting. ==> Kyono mi-tingu dewa ~nitsuite hanashiai masu. (きょうのミーティングでは、~についてはなしあいます。)
Do you agree with his opinion? ==> Kareno iken ni sansei desuka?(かれのいけんにさんせい ですか?)
I agree with his idea. ==> Kareno kangae ni sansei desu. (かれのかんがえにさんせいです。)
I disagree with her idea. ==> Kanojo no ikenniwa hantai desu.(かのじょのいけんには、はんたいです。)
I can’t agree with everyone.==> Minasan ni wa sansei dekimasen. (みなさんには、さんせいできません。)
Why not? ==> Doushite dekinai no desuka? (どうして できないの ですか?)
Could you please elaborate it a little more? ==> Mousukoshi kuwashiku setsumei shite moraemasenka? (もうすこし、くわしく せつめいして もらえませんか?)
Would you please give me some examples? ==> Gutairei o agete moraemasenka? (ぐたいれいをあげて もらえませんか?)
I got your point. ==> Anatano iitaikoto wa wakarimashita. (あなたのいいたいことはわかりました。)
Objection! ==> Igiari! (いぎあり!)
We are going off on a tangent.==> Hanashi ga sorete shimatte imasu. (はなしがそれてしまっています。)
We need to revisit this subject. ==> Kono kadai wa mata hanashiau hitsuyo ga arimasu.(このかだいは また はなしあうひつよう があります。)
I need more clarification on ~. ==> ~ nitsuite motto setsumeiga hitsuyodesu. (~についてもっとせつめいが ひつようです。)
That’s not the point. ==> Sokoga pointo dewa arimasen. (そこがポイントではありません。)
Here is what we discussed today. ==> Kyo hanashiatta kotowa kore desu.(きょう、はなしあったことはこれです。)

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