Showing your desire in Japanese Posted by keiko on Sep 20, 2015 in Culture, Grammar
Hi! In the past, I have covered many different ways of expressing your feelings in Japanese. Mad, sad, happy, and maybe moody. In this post today, I would like to show you the list of examples that will help you express your “willingness” sort of feeling in Japanese. We all go through each day, feeling, “Next time, or tomorrow, I am willing to try ~, I would like to try ~..” etc.. Read on, and you will learn a very useful set of Japanese expressions when you want to express your desire!
Before we get started… “desire” is something we call it “yokobou(欲望、よくぼう)” in Japanese. It’s a feeling that makes you want to do something.. to express that feeling of desire more clearly, we often add an expressions like the ones below.
- ~kosowa (~こそは) ~definitely
I will definitely go to the gym today! ==> Kyo kosowa zettaini jim ni ikuzo!
きょうこそは ぜったいに ジムにいくぞ!
I will definitely start studying Japanese starting today! ==> Kyo karawa zettai ni nihongo o benkyo shihajimeru zo!
きょうからは、ぜったいに にほんごを べんきょう しはじめるぞ!
- ~dakewa (~だけには) ~only
I don’t want to go to (only) his house.==> Kareno ie dakeniwa ikitakunai.
I don’t want to be beaten by (only) him. ==> Kare dakeniwa maketaku nai.
- ~shitakute tamaranai (~したくてたまらない) dying to do ~
I am dying to go see the movie. ==> So no eiga ga mitakute tamaranai.
その えいが が みたくて たまらない。
I am dying to find out who won. ==> Darega kattanoka shiritakute tamaranai.
誰が勝ったのか 知りたくてたまらない。
だれが かったのか しりたくて たまらない。
- ~shitai (~したい) I want to ~
I wan to become a professional soccer player. ==> Sakka-no puro ni naritai.
I want to study in Japan. ==> Nihon de benkyo shitai.
にほんで べんきょう したい。
Above expressions are just a few examples of the way you can express your desire, a feeling to want to do something.. What is your desire? Share with me in the comment section.

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