How to respond while talking in Japanese.. Posted by keiko on Sep 22, 2015 in Culture, Grammar
So, you all have been studying Japanese for quite some time. In an ideal learning environment, you often listen to Japanese radio to improve your listening skills, or you might watch NHK news on your internet TV or your laptop. You also send an email to your Japanese friends in Japanese to practice your writing skills. You have some friends who you normally communicate “only” in Japanese. If you have all these things lined up around you, you might be improving your Japanese skills from all aspects, listening, writing, and reading. However, in a real world, you might not have all of these.. Well, that’s why there is a blog like this where you can reference at your convenience and learn from it!
In today’s article, I would like to share with you some of the popular Japanese ways of responding to someone who you are having conversation with. If you are learning Japanese, I thought this might be helpful.
No matter what language you are using, while you are talking to someone, you often nod to show that you are listening to what he/she is saying, and to let him/her know if you agree or disagree.. etc.. nodding is also a common way of showing your listening skills in Japanese. As you nod, try these expressions..
そうですよね。-So desuyone. ==> I know.
A: きょうは、ほんとうに あついね。(Kyouwa hontouni atsuine.)
==> It’s really hot today, isn’t it?
B: そうですよね。あついですね。 (So desuyone. atsuidesune.)
==> I know. It’s hot!
なるほど。-Naruhodo ==> I see. That makes sense.
A:あの おみせは バーゲンが おおいの。(Ano omisewa bargen ga ooino)
==> That store often has bargains.
B:なるほど、だから すきなんだね。 (Naruhodo, dakara sukinandane.)
==> I see. That’s why you like it.
たしかに。- Tashikani ==> Exactly.
そのとおりだね。- Sono tooridane ==> Exactly.
A: この ケーキ すごく おおきいね。(Ko no ke-ki sugoku ookiine)
==> This cake is huge.
B: たしかに。(Tashikani)
==> Exactly.
すごいね。- Sugoine ==> That’s great!
A: サッカーでAチームに はいったよ。(Soccer de A chi-mu ni haittayo)
==> I made A team in soccer.
B: すごいね!(Sugoine!)
==> That’s great!
そうなんだ。- So nanda ==> Is that so?
A: きょうは つごうが わるいの。(Kyouwa tsugou ga warui no.)
==> Today is not a good day.(I am busy)
B: そうなんだ。(So nanda)
==> Is that so?
わかる、わかる。- Wakaru wakaru ==> I totally understand.
A: この かんじ むずかしいよね。 (Kono kanji muzukashii yone. )
==> This Kanji is hard, isn’t it?
B: わかる、わかる。わたしも むずかしいと おもうよ。(Wakaru wakaru. watashimo muzukashii to omouyo.)
==> I totally understand. I agree with you.

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Extremely useful article! But I would still recommend adding some kanjis back…for me it’s a lot slower to read just hiragana..
@Israel Hi Israel,
Thanks for your comment! I will make sure to add Kanji sentences going forward. Thanks for bringing this up. Sometimes, I never know what’s easier for readers to understand, Hiragana V.S. Kanji’s..