Archive for October, 2010
Scary Korean Movies Posted by Ginny on Oct 28, 2010

Are you wondering what horror/suspense/thriller Korean movies are out there? Here are some old movies that you may not have known about : Phone (폰) is a 2002 movie starring Korean actress Ha Ji Won (하지원). Ha Ji Won plays a journalist in possession of a cell phone. Not to give the story away, but…
Korean Museums Posted by Ginny on Oct 22, 2010
There are just too many museums to count in South Korea. I haven’t even come close to visiting half the number of museums in South Korea, and I’ve been visiting them since the year 2000. Here are the more memorable museums that I’ve visited so far. The Bank of Korea Museum (한국은행화폐금융박물관) is located in…
Korean Masks Posted by Ginny on Oct 19, 2010

Traditional Korean masks have been around as long as plays and satire have been used to express the discontent of the lower classes. Masks were word not only to represent various characters in a play, but to hide the faces of the actors who made fun of powerful people. Here are some of the more…
From Tadpole to Froggie Posted by Ginny on Oct 16, 2010
There’s a cute little song that Korean children are taught to sing. The song is about a tadpole that turns into a frog. Hope you like the song as much as I do! 개울가에 올챙이 한마리 (One tadpole in a creek) 꼬물 꼬물 헤엄치다 (wiggles wiggles around) 뒷다리가 쏘옥 (hind legs out) 앞다리가 쏘옥 (front…
Famous Korean People in Classical Music Posted by Ginny on Oct 13, 2010
Korean people have been contributing to classical music for awhile now. The following Korean people are celebrated specialists in the field of classical music. They are the pride and joy of Korea, so you may have heard of them! Hanna Chang (장한나) is a famous cellist. Ironically, her first instrument was the piano, not the…
National Treasures of North Korea Posted by Ginny on Oct 10, 2010

North Korea is home to some of Korea’s national treasures. The following items are considered national treasures because they have a historical, cultural and artistic importance. The Paintings in Anak Tomb No. 3 (안악3호분), are some of the best preserved cave paintings in North Korea. These paintings are considered the 67th national treasure. The Paintings have…
Korean Dances Posted by Ginny on Oct 7, 2010
Traditional Korean dances are vibrant examples of how unique and ornate the Korean arts are. Here are some Korean dances that I would recommend you see. Taepyeongmu (태평무) is a dance characterized by women wearing long sleeves. This dance was originally performed to promote peace in a time when Korea was constantly invaded by other…