Korean Language Blog

National Treasures of North Korea Posted by on Oct 10, 2010 in Culture

North Korea is home to some of Korea’s national treasures. The following items are considered national treasures because they have a historical, cultural and artistic importance.

The Paintings in Anak Tomb No. 3 (안악3호분), are some of the best preserved cave paintings in North Korea. These paintings are considered the 67th national treasure. The Paintings have been dated by historians to be around 357 B.C. Despite all this time, the colors of the paintings and the inscriptions attributed to them have been remarkably preserved.

The Myogilsang (묘길상) Buddhist statue is the 102nd national treasure of North Korea. The statue is famous because it is engraved within one of the most well known mountains in North Korea called Mt. Kumkang (금강산). The image of the Buddha is serene, and reminds visitors to meditate and reflect upon life; no matter how hard the trials of life may be.

The Sculptures at the Pohyonsa (보현사) Buddhist temple are the 40th national treasures of North Korea. The sculptures are of several Buddhist deities, and may have been at constructed at the same time as the temple in 1024 A.D. The sculptures were set up to guard the temple, which was constantly attacked by foreign invasions.

The Tomb of King Tongmyong (동명왕릉) is the 36th national treasure of North Korea. The tomb of King Tongmyong is a burial site for the king himself, and at least 15 other tombstones lie at the site. The site may have been around since 19 B.C. Hardly any of the original structure remains, but new construction materials have been applied to preserve the site.

The Pagoda of the Singyesa (신계사) Buddhist temple is the 95th national treasure of North Korea. The Pagoda is considered a precious remnant of the temple because it was the only part of the temple grounds that survived the U.S. bombing of the temple in 1951. The Pagoda has been preserved since 519 B.C. and is engraved with the images of Buddha.

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  1. oana:

    i’m impressed:)
    i enjoy reading all what you write about north korea!
    there are so many things i don’t know about this country!
    thanks for the information ^^

  2. Fluent Korean:

    I never knew about this! http://www.fluentkorean.com