Korean Language Blog

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Proper Titles for Your Family Members in Korean Posted by on May 27, 2020

호칭 (ho-ching: appellation) is important in Korean. I believe knowing the proper 호칭 is important because of the very nature of Korean language and culture. Korean language has 존댓말 (jon-dat-mahl: the honorific, the form of Korean language). Knowing 호칭 can guide you on how you should use 존댓말. Respecting the elderly or anyone who should receive…

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Korean Movie That Talks About Korean Woman’s Life in Korea Posted by on May 19, 2020

I often talk to a group of friends that I’ve known and grown up with since middle school. Except for myself and one other friend, all of them are working moms. A couple of years ago, my friends were talking about a book called 82년생 김지영 (Kim Ji-young: Born 1982). They were raving about how…

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Korean Expressions That Might Save Your Hair in Korea Posted by on May 12, 2020

Can you imagine how many people are wanting to see their hairdresser during this quarantine period? Before I started traveling, I used to go to one favorite hairdresser for several years. He was a quiet man, but I always was happy with his skills. I often miss him whenever I have to risk my hair…

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Movies That Predicted Our Reality Posted by on Apr 21, 2020

정보통신기술  (jeong-boh-tong-shin-gi-sul: Information Technology) in Korea is highly advanced and Korea is one of the top IT developed countries. During COVID-19, there are many IT methods that have educated and informed Koreans on how to prevent COVID-19. Other than TV, most Koreans are receiving COVID-19 daily updates via texts/emails.     One of IT methods…

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Handwashing is the Key Posted by on Apr 7, 2020

I like watching medical dramas because it gives me the 대리만족 (dae-ri-mahn-jok: vicarious satisfaction) of my childhood dream being a doctor. Grey’s Anatomy is one of my favorite TV shows. As much as I love this show, I also honestly think it is about time to wrap this show up. Nonetheless, this show has been…

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Humanism Always Survives Posted by on Mar 19, 2020

A couple of months ago, I honestly thought my parents and friends went overboard with COVID-19 whenever I talked to them over the phone. I didn’t feel 임박한 위기 (im-bahk-hahn-wee-gi: an imminent danger) back then. They, of course, 자가 격리 (jah-gah-kyuk-ree: self-quarantine) themselves at home as most Koreans did. Some people started 사재기 (sah-jae-gi: panic…

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The Chronicles of Coronavirus in Korea Posted by on Mar 5, 2020

January 2020 I was planning to fly back to Korea in March to see my family and friends. I was excited about this trip because it has been a while since I visited Korea. I have been missing authentic Korean food. I had a list of Korean food I wanted to try.  Most of all…

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