Archive by Author
Farewell: So Long for Now! Posted by Kyung-Hwa on Nov 8, 2018

It is time for me to say a fond farewell to everyone. It has been a great privilege to share my passion and knowledge about the Korean language and culture with you. I am sad to depart from this position, but I decided to focus on my academic journey for a while. It is time…
Two Koreas’ Demilitarization Efforts Posted by Kyung-Hwa on Oct 31, 2018

During the year 2018, North and South Korean leaders held multiple summits and have reshaped their relationship. Two Koreas are making great progress in reducing the tension and building a peaceful relationship between them. For over seven decades, 북한 (North Korea) and 남한 (South Korea) maintained the 휴전선 (armistice line), which also refers to the 군사분계선 (military demarcation line). Instead…
Striking Fall Foliage in South Korea Posted by Kyung-Hwa on Oct 24, 2018

Korea has four distinctive seasons, and fall is such a pleasant time to enjoy outdoor scenery throughout the country. Striking fall foliage contrasts with bright fall sky that is saturated with deep blue color. Along with gorgeous fall leaves and sky, cool and fresh air draw in countless people to outdoors to explore the fall…
A Possessive Particle in Korean Posted by Kyung-Hwa on Oct 17, 2018

Have you ever wondered how to express a possessive form of a noun in the Korean language? This post is about the function of “-의” in Korean. In the English language, adding an “apostrophe + s” or “apostrophe” to a 명사 (noun) is one of the frequently used ways to indicate 관계 (relation) or 소유 (ownership) of something…
Education System Reform in South Korea Posted by Kyung-Hwa on Oct 10, 2018

The South Korean government is trying to implement a new compulsory education system. This issue has been receiving a great deal of attention by South Korean People. In the United States, 어린이 (children) typically receive 무상교육 (free education) for 십이 년 (twelve years). In most states, children between the ages of six and eighteen receive their 정규교육 (formal…
“You Are Welcome!” in Korean Posted by Kyung-Hwa on Oct 3, 2018

The last post was about how to say “Thank you!” in Korean. On the contrary, you could be in a situation when someone says “Thank you!” to give a compliment to you. Do you know how to respond with “You’re Welcome!” in Korean? This post is about how to say, “You are welcome!” as a…
“Thank You!” in Korean Posted by Kyung-Hwa on Sep 26, 2018

What are your most frequently used words each day? For me, they are “hello” and “thank you.” A warm hello to someone always helps me initiate a conversation with people around me. I also say ‘thank you!’ numerous times throughout the day, in order to show my appreciation to people. Saying “hello” and “thank you”…