Korean Language Blog

How to say “just so you know” in Korean Posted by on May 25, 2016 in Uncategorized

Today, you are going to learn how to say “Just so you know” in Korean. The grammar point is “V.S. + 거든(요)/ geo dun (Yo)”. This is good to use between close friends because if you use this in wrong situation it can be rude.  If you don’t want to be rude using this, you have to avoid “Rising intonation”. You always use “Falling information”. Plain put, you don’t want to put any accent on 든 or 요.  Please read the examples with phone conversations below for your study.

To eat 먹다

먹다 + 거든(요) = 먹거든(요).

A: I will get some pizza for you guys when I come to your house. 너희 집에 갈때 피자 사 갈게.

B: Oh, really?  오… 진짜!?

A: Yes, Why?  응, 왜그래?

B: Just so you know, we are eating pizza right now.  우리 지금 피자 먹거든.

A: Oh, okay. I will get some other food. 아… 그래. 다른 거 사 갈게.

B: Thank you. I can’t wait to see you!  고마워. 빨리와!


To watch 보다 – 봤다 past tense

봤다 + 거든(요) = 봤거든(요).

A: Hey, do you want to watch Civil War tonight? 야, 오늘밤에 시빌워 보러 갈래?

B: Sorry, just so you know, I watched it last weekend. 미안, 지난 주말에 봤거든.


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About the Author: Soo

Soo came to America in 2002 for studying English and getting degrees in higher education. He’d never expected to work in America after he finished his college, but he got a great job in construction and had worked with them for three years. He also has working as a FT and PT Korean instructor and tutor for seven years in Korean and America. He got his TESOL certificate in 2011 and finished his master’s degree in 2014.