Korean Language Blog

Korean Dances Posted by on Oct 7, 2010 in Culture

Traditional Korean dances are vibrant examples of how unique and ornate the Korean arts are. Here are some Korean dances that I would recommend you see.

Taepyeongmu (태평무) is a dance characterized by women wearing long sleeves. This dance was originally performed to promote peace in a time when Korea was constantly invaded by other countries.


Seungmu (승무) is a dance distinguished by women wearing a white hood and long white sleeves. The movements for this dance are slow, with slight pauses in the steps to achieve tension in the dance.

Buchaechum (부채춤) is a fan dance where women take large fans and twirl them in unison. The most famous movement from this dance is when the women move the fans in a circle in the motion of a wave.

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  1. Fluent Korean:

    Thanks! Love Korean dances! http://www.fluentkorean.com