Korean Language Blog

Korean Dances Posted by on Mar 10, 2011 in Culture

Did you know that there are some interesting Korean dances that have ancient roots in traditional Korean culture?

One such dance is Pogurak (포구락), which is a dance that simulates a ball game. If you watch the video, you can see that there is a long board with a hole in the center. A hack sack is thrown into the hole through the other side.


Hallyangmu (한량무) is a unique dance in that the dance features dancers in the clothes of upper class Korean men. In the past, dancing was considered inappropriate for upper class men, but this dance is like a graceful tribute to these men.

Ipchum (입춤) is considered a basic dance that all dancers must master before they move on to more intricate dances. This dance utilizes the movement of the arms to the sway of music. It is a very enticing and beautiful dance.

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