Learning Korean Suffixes Posted by Soo on Oct 13, 2014 in Uncategorized
In the previous week, you learned Korean ending verb; “How is (it)?/ (이/가) 어때요?/(e ga) eo ddae yo?” In this week, you will learn how to answer the question. 아요/어요/해요/a yo/eo yo/ hae yo is verb ending suffix. You can add these verb suffixes after infinitive of action and descriptive verbs. You can add 아요 after ㅏand ㅗ vowels, and add 어요 after all other vowels. For instance, 좋다/jo ta/good/ becomes 좋아요. 싫다/sil ta/hate becomes 싫어요. You have to learn this because Korean do not use infinitives in speaking. Please see the dialog below.
- 날씨가 어때요?/nal ssi ga eo ddae yo/how’s weather?
- 좋아요./jo a yo/good
- 음식이 어때요?/eum sik e eo ddae yo/how’s food?
- 싫어요./sil eo yo/I hate it
해요 is after ㅎconsnant. For instance, 사랑한다/sa lang hand a/love you/ becomes 사랑해요/ sa lang hae yo/
Let’s study more examples with infinitives.
괜찮다 becomes 괜찮아요/gan chan a yo/that’s okay
재미있다 becomes 재미있어요/jae me it eo yo/it is fun
보고싶다 becomes 보고싶어요/bo go si peo yo/I miss you
맛있다 becomes 맛있어요/ma si seo yo/it taste good
Watch the video below to study more detail.

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