Santoki Posted by Ginny on Sep 7, 2010 in Culture, Korean Language
Santoki (산토끼) is a Korean nursery rhyme sung by Korean children. If you watch the video, you’ll see that the adults have a special dance to the song. That dance is taught to Korean preschoolers all over Korea, and it’s supposed to be performed while singing the song. So let’s burn some calories, and sing along, while learning some Korean while you’re at it.
산토끼 토끼야 (Santoki toki ya) Mountain rabbit, rabbit
어디를 가느냐 (Uhdeereul gahneunyah?) Where are you going?
깡충깡충 뛰면서(Kang-choong kang-choong ddee-myun-suh) While you hop, hop
어디를 가느냐 (Uhdeereul gahneunyah?) Where are you going?
산고개 고개를 (Sangogae gogaereul) Mountain peaks, peaks
나 혼자 넘어서 (Nahonjah nuhmuh-suh) I climb them on my own
토실토실 알밤을 (toshil toshil al-bameul) Plump, plump chestnuts
주워서 올테야 (Juwo suh ol-taeyah) I’ll gather and bring
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Fluent Korean:
(水原) 崔브라디미르:
very very cool^^
깡충깡충(Kang-choong kang-choong)
-> 깡총깡총(Kang-chong kang-chong)
tammy taylor:
very sweet.