Tag Archives: Korean onomatopoeia
Korean Onomatopoeia Posted by Ginny on Jun 21, 2011
Korean is a language with a lot of onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia is a word that imitates or suggests the sounds that they describe. Have you heard of the following onomatopoeia? 1. 빵! 2. 톡톡 3. 두근두근 4. 빵빵 5. 쾅! 6. 쿨쿨 7. 꿀꿀 8. 띵동 9. 엉엉 10. 멍멍 11. 똑똑 12. 훨훨 13. 쿵…
Korean Onomatopoeia Posted by Ginny on Jun 28, 2009
Today’s post is on 의성어 or onomatopoeias. I’d say that some of these are close to the English version, while others are radically different. 1) 쾅 – is a sound that is made something hits the ground. Like for example, if you fall down the stairs and your head hits the floor. 2) 멍멍 –…