Latin Language Blog

Latin Numbers 1-100 Posted by on Mar 24, 2010 in Latin Language

Latin Numbers can be expressed in both Arabic and Latin numeral notation. Knowing your Latin numbers is essential for any Latin speaker, whether you’re a beginner or advanced, so I’ve included a table below for your convenience. If you know your numbers from 1-100, I promise you’ll impress your friends for many a Superbowl to come with your Roman numeral knowledge. Happy counting!

Number Latin numerals Pronunciation
0 nihil
1 I ūnus
2 II duo
3 III trēs
4 IV quattuor
5 V quīnque
6 VI sex
7 VII septem
8 VIII octō
9 IX novem
10 X decem
11 XI ūndecim
12 XII duodēcim
13 XIII trēdecim
14 XIV quattuordecim
15 XV quīndecim
16 XVI sēdecim
17 XVII septendecim
18 XVIII duodēvīgintī
19 XIX ūndēvīgintī
20 XX vīgintī
21 XXI vīgintī   ūnus
22 XXII vīgintī   duo
23 XXIII vīgintī   trēs
24 XXIV vīgintī   quattuor
25 XXV vīgintī   quīnque
26 XXVI vīgintī   sex
27 XXVII vīgintī   septem
28 XXVIII duodētrīgintā
vīgintī octō
29 XXIX ūndētrīgintā
vīgintī novem
30 XXX trīgintā
31 XXXI trīgintā   ūnus
32 XXXII trīgintā   duo
33 XXXIII trīgintā   trēs
34 XXXIV trīgintā quattuor
35 XXXV trīgintā   quīnque
36 XXXVI trīgintā   sex
37 XXXVII trīgintā   septem
38 XXXVIII duodēquadrāgintā
trīgintā octō
39 XXXIX ūndēquadrāgintā
trīgintā novem
40 XL quadrāgintā
41 XLI quadrāgintā   ūnus
42 XLII quadrāgintā   duo
43 XLIII quadrāgintā   trēs
44 XLIV quadrāgintā   quattuor
45 XLV quadrāgintā   quīnque
46 XLVI quadrāgintā   sex
47 XLVII quadrāgintā   septem
48 XLVIII duodēquīnquāgintā
quadrāgintā octō
49 XLIX ūndēquīnquāgintā
quadrāgintā novem
50 L quīnquāgintā
51 LI quīnquāgintā   ūnus
52 LII quīnquāgintā   duo
53 LIII quīnquāgintā   trēs
54 LIV quīnquāgintā quattuor
55 LV quīnquāgintā   quīnque
56 LVI quīnquāgintā   sex
57 LVII quīnquāgintā   septem
58 LVIII duodēsexāgintā
quīnquāgintā octō
59 LIX ūndēsexāgintā
quīnquāgintā novem
60 LX sexāgintā
61 LXI sexāgintā   ūnus
62 LXII sexāgintā   duo
63 LXIII sexāgintā   trēs
64 LXIV sexāgintā   quattuor
65 LXV sexāgintā   quīnque
66 LXVI sexāgintā   sex
67 LXVII sexāgintā   septem
68 LXVIII duodēseptuāgintā
sexāgintā octō
69 LXIX ūndēseptuāgintā
sexāgintā novem
70 LXX septuāgintā
71 LXXI septuāgintā   ūnus
72 LXXII septuāgintā   duo
73 LXXIII septuāgintā   trēs
74 LXXIV septuāgintā   quattuor
75 LXXV septuāgintā   quīnque
76 LXXVI septuāgintā   sex
77 LXXVII septuāgintā   septem
78 LXXVIII duodēoctōgintā
septuāgintā octō
79 LXXIX ūndēoctōgintā
septuāgintā novem
80 LXXX octōgintā
81 LXXXI octōgintā   ūnus
82 LXXXII octōgintā   duo
83 LXXXIII octōgintā   trēs
84 LXXXIV octōgintā   quattuor
85 LXXXV octōgintā   quīnque
86 LXXXVI octōgintā   sex
87 LXXXVII octōgintā   septem
88 LXXXVIII duodēnōnāgintā
octōgintā octo
89 LXXXIX ūndēnōnāgintā
octōgintā novem
90 XC nōnāgintā
91 XCI nōnāgintā   ūnus
92 XCII nōnāgintā   duo
93 XCIII nōnāgintā   trēs
94 XCIV nōnāgintā   quattuor
95 XCV nōnāgintā   quīnque
96 XCVI nōnāgintā   sex
97 XCVII nōnāgintā   septem
98 XCVIII duodēcentum
nōnāgintā octō
99 XCIX ūndēcentum
nōnāgintā novem
100 C centum
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  1. wayne glass:

    Just wondering about proper pronunciation of Latin numerals. Is “c” pronounced as “ch”? Is “g” pronounced as in “giant” or as in “golf”? Thanks to anyone who can advise me.

  2. Ray Moore:

    @wayne glass

    Classical Latin: C is actually pronounced K

    Classical Latin: G is pronounced as g in golf

    Ecclesiastical Latin: C is pronounced as CH

    Ecclesiastical Latin: G is pronounced DZ as in giant

  3. ili:

    i would like to ask how i can write in latin the following date: 29-09-2002

    thank you!

  4. Dolly:

    This was very helpful. I’m a beginner in Latin, but some other websites don’t have this.

  5. Joel:

    Somebody should please help me out..Am a beginner in latin language..My challenges are the alphabets and pronunciation…Help Help please

  6. Richard M Thompson:

    How can it be asserted that the correct pronunciation for Classical Latin can be defined? The original speakers didn’t exactly leave audio records, did they? I remember poor old ‘Chips’ (“Goodbye Mr Chips”) lamenting (as a teacher of boys) a directive on pronunciation which turned the Latin word vicissim from ‘veechissim’ into ‘we kissim’. I can’t help slipping into a sort of Italian pronunciation – which it sounds as if the Ecclesiastical pronunciation (I’ve not heard it) might be closer to.

    • Tom Ardmore:

      @Richard M Thompson Records found of early schooling sessions replace the letter W for the letter V, implying that that is how V is pronounced. It was confusing even for the Romans.

    • liz:

      @Richard M Thompson latin started in italy, aka rome. of coarse you would slip to italian

  7. dsd:


  8. Dr. Fidelitas Cospanus:

    It is a pleasure to have such a variety of Latin words on my computer to learn or relearn as a daily diversion!
    Please continue the potpourri of vocabula et verba to refresh my Gymnasium studies : ante septenginta novem annos !

    salve et vale. Medicus Cospanus

  9. costas:

    I need help please …how can i write the date in latin


    • Linfex:

      @costas VI XI MMXII

  10. wolskerj:

    No,they didn’t leave audio records, but we can know how Latin was pronounced in ancient times several ways:

    1. The Romans themselves wrote a lot about their language and how to pronounce it “correctly.” Public speaking was a high art and many rhetorical ‘handbooks’ about how to speak and how to pronounce words, survive.

    2. The Roman empire was bi-lingual. Latin speakers in the west needed to learn Greek, Greek speakers in the east needed to learn Latin. Many instructional works still exist.

    3. Errors and misspellings often reveal how a word was pronounced in everyday life – “habio” for “I have” rather than the correct “habeo.”

    4. Transliteration to other languages and alphabets like Greek or Hebrew can reveal pronunciation. When Greeks spelled “Cicero” they could have used either Kappa or Sigma. They used Kappa, which means they pronounced it as “Kikero.”

    • Linfex:

      @wolskerj VI / IX /MMXII

  11. Peter:

    How do you say 1,586,832

  12. kc:

    I would like to know how can I write in latin the following date: 29-09-2001
    Many Thanks!

  13. Moshiri:

    God, those Romans were so stupid; they didn’t have a “zero.” Thanks to us Persians who discovered it and enabled the world to inherit all the points in heavens and earth.

    Second Chapter: but we Persians hit the bottom and are now the scourge of the earth!

  14. RomanEnthusiast:

    Moshiri, the Roman number for zero was “nihil,” which means nothing.

  15. Kevin Pattison:

    Hi, I would like to tattoo the year of birth of my parent’s, sister and myself on the inside of my forearms. I’m not really sure for example the year I was born (1954) should it read XIXLIV or MCMLIV I want it to read like a year not a number in the thousands or are both correct. Sorry for the ignorance. I’m 60 years young ok old then and running out of brain cells but I’m still learning, thankyou for your time and effort hope to hear from you thanks Kevin

  16. Amin:

    romanenthusiast, I think what moshiri is trying to say is that the number zero enabled the current numbering system to be established. as clever as the romans were they had no numeral for 0 which meant their numbering system was cumbersome to say the least.

    Since its development zero has been fundamental in Descartes Cartesian coordinate system and in Newtons developments of calculus. Without calculus we wouldn’t have modern physics, engineering or computers.

    So nihil just didn’t cut it. I’m afraid.

    But going to the origin Im not quiet sure it was completely a Persian invention. I think the eastern Asians and Indians also had similar placeholder shapes, but the origin did come from a Persian mathematician (name slips my mind( if someone does google it and it says arab please do not mix arab and Persian. The guy was Persian but as all mathematicians and scientist of the time from that period (around 8th century AD approx.) they all had to have arab names or their works wouldn’t be published, or they wouldn’t have got funded.

    • Plasticman:

      @Amin The first recorded use of zero was in 36bc in a Mayan script to mark events in astronomy.

  17. victoria keene:

    This helped me so much thank you for all of your work.

  18. Mica Shaper:

    This site really has all of the information and facts I needed concerning this subject and didn’t know who to ask.

  19. Luci Soppeland:

    I love your writing style truly loving this website .

  20. Roxann Ritson:

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  21. Sharona:

    To Moshiri and Amin- the use of zero as a number and place holder was developed in India around the 5th century. algebraic rules for the elementary arithmetic operations appeared first in India by Brahmagupta (7th century.

  22. Samantha Cortez:

    Thank you soo much for making this for us, this has really helped me with my studies, so please accept my cake!!!! *hands cake*

  23. PJC:

    This was a great help!

  24. Adolf Maten:

    Thanks alot

  25. Abe:

    In medical field we use latin numbers what is pronunction of Xa

  26. Rich:

    Fact is: The Mayans where the earliest users of the Zero

  27. Mariusz:

    Nihil or nulla for zero?

  28. sheleicha:

    07-11-2017 in Latin please?

  29. janet:

    hi im wanting to know how to spell
    “the power of three ” in latin please

  30. Samuel Ayamba Abugri:

    This good to leading roman numerous