Latin Language Blog

You in Ancient Rome: A Day in the Life Posted by on Dec 15, 2016

Historians and Classics enthusiasts often pay close attention to the history surrounding the great and legendary figures of Ancient Roman politics, philosophy, and mythology. However, today, let us take a look at the people who made up what was one of the greatest and largest cities in human existence. After all, such a city was…

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“Roman Fever”: Did Malaria Bring Down the Roman Empire? Posted by on Dec 7, 2016

A newly published study has just provided compelling genomic evidence in 2,000 year old human bones to show that malaria was, as many have guessed and speculated, present in Rome. For Latin-learners you could see the Medieval Latin roots behind the infamous disease: Malaria = mal + aria = “bad” + “air”. Although the disease…

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Horae: Counting the Roman Hours Posted by on Nov 30, 2016

Salvete Omnes! I hope everyone has been well! Right now, everyone everywhere might be noticing the changing times of night and day. The beginning of Winter is coming and with that means the nights are getting longer and the days are getting shorter. Let’s see how the Romans dealt with this phenomenon. For us, we…

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Amor Fati: Stoicism in Rome Posted by on Nov 16, 2016

Salvete Omnes! I hope we are all doing well this week! This week, let us take a look at the ancient philosophy of the Stoics. Although Stoicism is generally a Hellenistic philosophy, Ancient Rome picked up the teachings and ways of thinking towards the end of its popularity and have helped preserve the teachings The…

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Elections in Ancient Rome Posted by on Nov 9, 2016

Chances are, no matter where you are, you have heard about the election in the United States. While the country is dealing with the results of their votes, we might want to ponder the history of elections and democracy that have influenced the makeup of the United States. Although the Romans are famous for the…

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Ancient Romans and Toothaches Posted by on Nov 2, 2016

Salvete Omnes! I hope this new month has been treating you all well. If you celebrated Halloween on October 31st, you might have gotten or been left with some candy. For the rest of the holiday season we are usually bombarded with sweets of all kinds, so let us take a look at how the…

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What Spooked the Ancient Romans? Posted by on Oct 20, 2016

Salvete Omnes! With Halloween just around the corner let us take a look at what the Ancient Romans were afraid might be under their beds… so to speak. The Ancient Romans were a very suspicious people. They lived in constant watch in the world from signs from the gods and of the future, it would…

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